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Creative Challenges

[ creative-coding , community ]

There are many community-based creative projects that people can participate in. Some of these are competitions with strict rules. Others are just prompts to inspire you over a given period of time. Some are for coding, others for music, writing, drawing or … whatever.

As for the links, I tried to find some that were the most informative if not completely “official” in every case. I’m happy to update any of the below info or make additions.

Time Name Theme Hashtag Link
January Genuary generative art #genuary genuary.art
January Jamuary music #jamuary jonathanmann.net
Feb 9-11 Lovebyte Party size coding #lovebyte lovebyte.party
March-April Watt-Wise Game Jam energy efficient gaming #wattwisegamejam wattwise.games
May May for Makers misc #mayformakers plsmithed.com
October Mathtober math #mathtober fractalkitty.com
October Inktober drawing (ink) #inktober inktober.com
November NaNoWriMo writing #nanowrimo nanowrimo.org
November Codevember games or general code #codevember codevember.org/
December December Adventure anything! #decemberadventure eli.li
Weekly Disquiet Junto Music #disquietjunto disquiet.com

Header photo by Jeffrey Czum

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