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Joy of Geometry: Part I

[ geometry ]

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Some while back (maybe a couple of years or more ago) I picked up the book, Joy of Geometry by Alfred Posamentier.

Joy of Geometry

I’ve dived into it several times, coding up the examples he gives in the book and it’s been quite fun. The first chapter is “Concurrent Lines” and there is a seemingly endless array of examples of relationships that are formed by different parts of geometric shapes - mostly triangles so far.

In the past week, I’ve been working through these a bit more diligently. The book is 150 pages, and I’m only up to page 9, but I’ve learned a lot and created several new functions in my geometry library already. I haven’t coded up every example from the first nine pages so far, but I’ve done the majority. I’ve included a bit of explanatory text on each one of them. But I highly recomment actually getting a copy of the book if you’re interested in this stuff. There are much deeper explanations of these concepts in the book.

Chapter 1: Concurrent Lines

Note, this is only a fraction of the examples in chapter one. I’ll be continuing to work through these and will post more in another post.

Figures 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 - The orthocenter.

Figure 1.4 - Three non-collinear points will form a unique circle. This is known as the circumcircle of the triangle formed by those three points. The center of that circle is the circumcenter of the triangle.

Figure 1.5 - The altitude as a bisector.

Figure 1.7 - The side of a triangle as a bisector.

Figure 1.8 - A corner of a triangle as a bisector.

Figure 1.9 - Similar triangles. Introducing the orthic triangle.

Figure 1.10 - Relationships with the orthic triangle.

Figure 1.11 - More on the orthic triangle.

Figure 1.14 - Another magical property of the orthocenter.

Figure 1.15 - Congruent circles with the orthocenter.

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