Open Source UML to AS3?

Last week at the Boston Flash Platform User Group, we were given a very cool demonstration of Enterprise Architect by Josh Noble.

Today, I was preparing for our design patterns meeting and playing around with StarUML, which can generate UML for all the GoF patterns and a few EJB patterns. I realized that StarUML does code generation and reverse engineering for Java, C++, and C#. It’s also free. It’s also open source and on the site they have documentation on how to create new modules for it.

It occurred to me that someone with the right skills could probably transform the Java or C# module into an AS3 module (someone with the right skills meaning “not me” :)). It would be an awesome OSFlash project. Anyway, just thought I’d throw it out there. You could win fame and glory amongst the Flash community.

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9 Responses to Open Source UML to AS3?

  1. joshua noble says:

    I like that idea…especially since this would provide all the functionality I like about Enterprise Arch, w/o the price tag. So I grabbed the source code and took a look and….the CSharp and Java generation and parsing stuff is all in Pascal, which is probably the only programming language outside of Fortran that I’m not interested in learning ; ) Any Pascal people?

  2. DigiMan says:

    I have posted your article on my webblog.
    I hope you dont mind that I did it? 😉

  3. sascha/hdrs says:

    I would also sponsor a golden crown for the one who does the job! (a plastic one though)

  4. there is also ArgoUML at Alos wish I had time to build a plugin for it for AS3 and CFCs


  5. Mark says:

    Wow, that would be no small task, who has time for that? Maybe a 14 year old 🙂

  6. Cheers! Funny I should find this the same week I started the argouml-actionscipt3 seed. Nothing is done except getting a thumbs up from Tigris/Argo-folk. I’ll be filling out the project details page this week.

    As for the actual grunt work for this to get completed, not sure but you can watch the project.

    Other seeds can be found at

  7. Hello everyone,

    I was doing some research and I came across this post and though I would

    I’m in the final stages of developing a UML editor for Actionscript that also supports Java and a few other languages with round tripping support. More information can be found here…

    I will be opening a private alpa real soon so people can play around with the tool and send me feedback.


  8. kp says:

    I did notice that and it looks very cool. I’ll be checking it out!

  9. Adam Boduch says:

    Seems that the correct approach would be to create an AS3 profile for the generation. That might be difficult to achieve since support for profiles in open source UML tools isn’t quite there yet.

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