
I’ve been hearing about Twitter for a while now and finally signed up about 3 or 4 weeks ago. As anyone will tell you who has gotten into it, it is addicting. I’ve tried to sell it to a few people who just didn’t get it. I think there is no explaining it to someone who doesn’t see it right off.

I’ve often heard it described as a stalking tool – you can stalk people on your list and see what they are doing etc. But I don’t see it like that at all. All you see is what they say they are doing, if they decide to say what they are doing (and tell the truth).

It’s also described as being a cross between an IM chat and a blog. mmmm…kind of, I guess. But not quite right either. Yeah, you can kind of chat with people on it, if you don’t mind everyone else listening in. And 140 characters per post kind of limits its use as a blog. Not to mention that there is no permanent record of what you said.

The thing about IM is that when someone IMs you, you are kind of obligated to answer them. Either that or consciously ignore them. With twitter, you have all your friends doing this and that, and you can notice it or not, and respond or not.

The way I see Twitter is kind of like setting up a virtual shared office space where you and all your friends are going to work, hang out, etc. It’s kind of like background noise. You notice these trivial things people are doing just like you notice Jim from accounting brought back Indian food for lunch.

I see that Mike Chambers is off to have lunch with Lynda Weinman, Peter Elst got his email fixed, Danny Dura is going to the Game Developers Conference nest week, Eric Dolecki is listening to Iron Maiden while Ryan Stewart is pining for country music (ok, so my Twitter connections have questionable musical tastes :)).

I don’t really need to know any of this, don’t particularly care about most of it, and don’t need to respond to it. But somehow it’s kind of cool just being aware of it. Again, if you don’t get it, don’t bother. But try it for a day or two. You’ll either be hooked, or you’ll still be scratching your head. 🙂

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9 Responses to Twitter

  1. Phillip Kerman says:

    I haven’t really been able to get into it–but as first I thought it was a stalking/voyeur thing. Now I see it’s totally a cross between IM and blogging. It’s like how IM is a cross between email and the phone.

  2. adampasz says:

    Thanks Keith. This is the best explanation/justification of Twitter that I’ve seen. It’s an interesting social phenomenon. I’ll be curious to see whether it ends up being just a fad, or whether it ends up evolving into another communication medium. I don’t really think this is going to be my thing — the last thing I need is one more distraction from getting work done. 🙂

    Most of the time I find IM pretty irritating, and I leave it turned off 95% of the time, unless I’m actively working with someone on it. My philosophy is, if it’s urgent, call me. Otherwise, send me an email and let me respond when I have a moment.

  3. Ryan Stewart says:

    LMAO! Well said Keith. I love the virtual office analogy. And I agree, there is just kind of something cool about seeing what people are up to. And the fact that I don’t have to respond or chime in keeps it low maintenance and fun.

  4. Brian Deitte says:

    Ok, as you’ve seen you’ve convinced me to try it out. 🙂 I don’t think I’ll be a constant updater, but it sounds more interesting now.

  5. Nicola says:

    This is addicting. If you have an internet connection and you can’t see outside your office the first thing you do when you are home is log in twitter and drop a line. 🙂

  6. oz says:

    Workspace chatter is the perfect analogy. Okay, it isn’t the perfect analogy because only a thing itself can be a perfect analogy but close enough.

  7. kp says:

    Well, 4 days later, I see Phillip is totally addicted, and Brian is becoming a regular. 🙂

  8. Brian Deitte says:

    I was just reading another person’s blog (Sean Voisen, who I wish I would have met at 360Flex) and headed back to this article. I am becoming a bit of a Twitter regular now, and it’s much more fun than I expected. 🙂

  9. Nice view. I would like to state a feature of twitter that I love too and that I’ve just discovered. It’s the option to receive a twitt even if the guy who post it isn’t in your contact list (he has to make the post as a reply though). It’s under settings/Notices/@Replies and I see it as a really hot feature. You don’t have to follow someone but you will receive something concerning you (if you have enabled that setting). I wish all twitters had it enabled.
    BTW I love your pic on twitter.

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