Joey Lott on Customizing Flex 2 App Appearance

Joey Lott will be speaking at the Boston Flash Platform User Group this month (Wednesday, February 28).

The topic will be “Customizing Flex Application Appearance”

It will be a discussion of how to use CSS, skins, themes, and much more to create a completely customized appearance for Flex applications. This will be a complete overview of the subject, including basic CSS, runtime CSS, graphical skinning, programmatic skinning, customizing the preloader, etc.

This is going to be a good one. If you are in the New England area, come on over to the New England Institute of Art, 7pm, Feb. 28.

Check the BFPUG site for directions, etc.

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3 Responses to Joey Lott on Customizing Flex 2 App Appearance

  1. Nat Papovich says:

    Any chance we can get this online via Breeze/Connect/WhateverAdobeDecidedToRenameIt? Sound like a cool preso.

  2. Chad Udell says:

    I second that. I’d love to see a screencast of it.

  3. kp says:

    Actually, most of our user group meetings are recorded and posted on

    You can usually view them live from the same link. It’s not Flash, but it’s there.

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