Making Things Move for AS3 is complete

As of last night, I finished the (hopefully) last round of final proof checks for the last chapter of the book. So, barring any unforeseen problems, that’s the last time I touch it until it goes to the printer.

Actually, there may be a few more minor tweaks needed. We realized late in the game that the book was scheduled to be published well before the release of the Flash 9 IDE. Although the material is more about ActionScript 3.0, and is not tied to any particular tool (designed to work with Flash, Flex Builder 2, or the Flex 2 SDK), there were of course mentions of the new Flash IDE. So it took a bit of back and forth with Adobe to see what we could and couldn’t say, and then some last minute editing to make sure everything was kosher. I think we worked it out pretty well, and the material should work just fine in the Flash 9 AS3 Preview IDE when the book is published, and continue to be 100% valid when the next version of Flash is officially released. But for all intents and purposes, it’s ready to go from my end.

Amazon has it listed as going out on February 26. You’d think I would have better inside info than that, but that’s all I’ve got.

You can preorder it here:

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16 Responses to Making Things Move for AS3 is complete

  1. Peter says:

    congrats Keith, have a beer on me — must be a relief having it all ready for publication.

  2. Looking forward to it Keith! Congratulations on knocking it out. 🙂

  3. Jerome C says:

    good to know. I preordered mine 3 days ago :p

  4. Aral Balkan says:

    Can’t wait to see it in print, man. Great stuff! 🙂

  5. Kristin says:

    Congratulations! Ok…now, breath! 🙂

    I’m very much looking forward to seeing it.

  6. Weyert says:

    Looking forward to your book!

  7. Hi Keith!

    How’s it going? Congrats on finishing the book, by coincidence the 26th Feb is my birthday! So i’ll expect a signed copy as a present 😉

    And I’ll see you in Boston in May! (And September!)


    Seb Lee-Delisle

  8. Campbell says:

    Sweet Dude, Congrats.

    Looking forward to it.

  9. mark says:

    cool, I’ll take one 🙂

  10. Miha says:

    Congratulations 😀

  11. MIke Britton says:

    Preordered! The AS2 version was great, this one will be too. I especially need the trig stuff 😛

  12. Ali N says:

    Preordered! Thank u so much…

    Best regards from Germany/Berlin

  13. Saeed Ashour says:

    hi Keith …

    i hope the examples will be different from previews one.

  14. Oz says:

    toDoList.unshift(“read MTM for AS3”);

    Keith, I hope you’re going to Flex360. I’d like to get my copy signed.

    Great work. What’s next?

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