Year end perspective

Well it’s that time of year again when people look at what they’ve accomplished over the last 365 days, and make plans for the next. I’ve been kind of in “drift” mode. I started out the year not knowing exactly where my future was taking me, and I’m ending the year in pretty much the same state. Not to say things aren’t good, but over the last 5-6 years I have accomplished everything I set out to do, and far beyond. So for the last year or so I’ve been kind of saying, “what next?”

What’s the next big thing for me? I don’t know. Job-wise, I started working at Brightcove this year, which is a pretty incredible environment for any developer. I couldn’t imagine leaving there to go to another company. The only way I’d probably leave is to start something on my own, something I’m definitely not ready for at this point.

As an author, I watched Foundation ActionScript Animation: Making Things Move! become the best-selling ActionScript book of the year, pretty much finished the next version of it for AS 3, and contributed to the AS 3 Cookbook, the first AS 3 book on the market, which is also getting great reviews. I’m set to contribute a small amount to an Apollo book in 2007, and will probably get roped into some other stuff, but no full books on the horizon.

In terms of education, I started on the path to a real, honest to goodness computer science degree (though that $39.95 diploma offer was tempting). I start my C++ course next month. Hopefully it will be better than my Intro to Computer Programming Course. At the rate I’m going, I won’t have a degree til 2009, but maybe I can speed that up.

As far as BIT-101, hmmm…. the idea of the new lab fizzled out quickly. Realistically, I don’t think I’m going to get back into a lab with regular experiments any time soon, but I hope to do more pure playing with AS 3 and post experiments here on the main blog, with source.

Then there is Brevity. No, I haven’t given up on it. I’m hoping to turn it into an Apollo application sometime soon. Just waiting to see if certain features will be put into Apollo that will make this possible.

Personally, things have been going pretty well. Health was definitely much better in 2006 than 2005. Still getting some fatigue, aching, and random symptoms from the Sarcoidosis, but it’s definitely on its way out. I’m pretty confident that it will be gone in 2007. And this year, I swear I am going to get in shape. In 2006 I managed to lose 20 pounds before gaining it all back. I’m ending 2006 at almost the exact same weight I started it with. 🙁 Gotta end that cycle. Family is good. Wife got accepted to nursing school, something she’s been working on for a couple years. Daughter (turned 4 last week) is getting a big head from everyone telling her how beautiful she is.

I think I did reach a point of burnout this year, in terms of too many ongoing projects at once. Around late summer, I was working full time, doing a couple big side jobs, taking a college course, writing for two books, and tech reviewing another. In September and October I was really stressed out with side work. I determined to cut that waaay back. What the hell, I started doing Flash because I loved it. When it gets to the point where I don’t even want to look at it, something is very wrong. So one resolution for 2007 is to start having fun with the technology again. It’s kind of vague exactly what that means in concrete activities right now, but more than likely means more experimenting and maybe even some collaboration projects, doing stuff just for the hell of it. At least that’s the plan.

So, in summary, things are good. Drifting, but good. Going to get back to basics and see if I can come up with the next big idea.

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8 Responses to Year end perspective

  1. Brian says:

    Apollo, Flash 9 and Brightcove should provide for more fun Flash, let’s hope. And if you ever decide running is your exercise of choice, let me know. 🙂 Happy New Year!

  2. kp says:

    Brian, I would love to get back into running. I was doing 5 miles, three times a week several years back. But I think I need to ramp back up to that, starting with some walking. There are some other Brightcove runners, if you don’t want to wait for me. 🙂

  3. Miha says:

    “So one resolution for 2007 is to start having fun with the technology again.” YES! 😛
    Happy New Year Mr Peters 🙂

  4. C4RL05 says:

    I think it’s really sad when you realize you aren’t enjoying it as you used to. It’s a bit like something is missing inside of you. I’ve been through many of those phases over the past years and having fun again is at the top of my list. Happy new year!

  5. Keith, Don’t forget BFPUG. I guess it really started in 2005, but, I think it really took off this year. A lot of its success was due to your participation/leadership. So that’s something to feel good about. Anyway – Happy New Year! (also, my wife is a nurse – finished nursing school 1.5 years ago)

  6. kp says:

    Ah yes, BFPUG is a great bunch of people. We had some good times and good meetings in 2006. Hopefully that will get better in 2007.

  7. n3 says:

    I fnished your awesome book on Dec, 31st. And wanna thank u. Now, waiting for the 2nd one (AS3). Greetings from Germany-Berlin


  8. Aral Balkan says:

    Best of luck in 2007, Keith. The new book is going to be great (get off your butt and revise that foreword Aral, do it — do it, now!!!) So glad to hear that you’re going to be having fun with this stuff again and crazy how we find ourselves drifting from that sometimes. Here’s to a great 2007!

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