Old BIT-101 Lab back up

It was brought to my attention that at some point in time, the old BIT-101 Lab went down. Apparently people still like to look a that stuff. 🙂 I had to make a few adjustments to get it working on the new server, but it is now back up and running at http://www.bit-101.com/base.html

And, as always, the source for all that stuff is at http://www.bit-101.com/flafiles/

I don’t even think there’s any Flash 8 stuff in there, much less 7. But still some pretty cool ideas going on back then. Ah, the good old days. 🙂

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2 Responses to Old BIT-101 Lab back up

  1. deAd says:

    What about the new lab? 😛

  2. C. Austin says:

    Looks like the .fla files in the old lab are not linked up correctly. Unable to download as .fla to review in Flash. Great work though!

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