Flex 2 != AS3

I’ve run across this on several blogs, articles, and mailing lists: people talking about how great Flex is, and then they say something odd like, “you don’t even need to use the Flex framework or MXML to make a Flex application. You can just make a straight ActionScript only Flex app,” or something of the sort.

I guess it’s just a pet peeve, but ActionScript 3.0 is not Flex 2.0. They are related, yes, but they are not the same thing. ActionScript 3.0 is just that, the next version of ActionScript. Flex 2.0 is composed of MXML and a huge framework that happens to be built in AS3. And in fact, the MXML gets compiled into AS3.

But if you are not using MXML, and you are not using the Flex framework, then you do not have a Flex application. You have an ActionScript application. Don’t call it Flex.

Probably the confusion comes from the name of the product, “Flex Builder 2”. People assume that because it’s built using Flex Builder, then it is Flex. And, it’s almost a wholly brand new language which is very different from AS2, so it must be something new, like Flex. Yes it’s confusing. But note that you specify that your choices are “ActionScript Application” and “Flex Application”. This should also be more clear with the final release of Flash 9, which will include AS3. Right now Flash is equated with AS2, and Flex with AS3. When AS3 officially makes its way into Flash, hopefully more will see that it is not the same as Flex.

That’s all. End of rant. Return to your homes. Nothing to see here.

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10 Responses to Flex 2 != AS3

  1. kingofpunk says:

    Thanx, I can see that I am not the only one to say that around me

  2. Campbell says:

    Lol you want a soap box too Keith? :p
    Yeah I can see It happen alot when I write posts, sorry to be the grain of sand that broke the camels back :o).

  3. kp says:

    Haha. Yes, it’s all your fault!

    No, your post was just a bit vague about it. Others were much more direct in the “flex without flex” message.

  4. Campbell says:

    Kewl, and watch out your CookBook is next on the review list 😉

  5. kp says:

    Uh-oh. a threat! 😉

    Well, be kind, but honest. I can take it.

  6. Brian Deitte says:

    I hate to be the nit-picker, but an ActionScript-only application built with Flex Builder still has a little bit of Flex in it. It still uses the Flex SystemManager, and the compiler has Flex-only features that still get processed in AS- Embeds, ResourceBundles, etc. I agree of course that AS3 shouldn’t just be associated with Flex, though! And I’m sure that’ll change with the Authoring release. But unless you’re using Adobe’s internal compiler, AS projects are always flavored a little by Flex, Authoring and (hopefully) Tamarin.

  7. Peter Kirn says:

    Well, Keith, you’ve definitely answered your own question. An ActionScript 3-only application can be compiled with Flex Builder, but it’s not really Flex, but it is.

    I think Adobe needs to do a better job of helping people understand the differences (and relationship) of the two. And they have an uphill battle. Most people still don’t really understand Flash — and now Flash isn’t what it used to be. 🙂

  8. kp says:

    OK, I give up. I’m reinstalling Future Splash Animator.

  9. Pete says:

    Its worse than you think… The java developers i’ve been talking to recently all firmly believe FLEX is somekind of arcane server… which of course its not (anymore)


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