Flexible: One to watch out for

John Grden is at it again.



Flexible is a Flex-based visual MXML editor. Yeah, that’s right. It’s a Flex 2 application that creates other Flex 2 applications. Or at least the MXML portion. While free tools such as FlashDevelop allow you to do AS3 and MXML coding, there’s still a gap in the free, open source, visual layout end of things. A few other projects have started, but I think Flexible is unique in that it is built in Flex, rather than based on some other layout program.

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18 Responses to Flexible: One to watch out for

  1. Austin K says:

    Wow, that’s seriously intense.

  2. Mika says:

    We also have our eyes on it at FlashDevelop.. 🙂

  3. Igor Costa says:

    haha Terrible, John it’s a crazy geek.

  4. aardvark says:

    Cease and desist! Chances are that there is a clause in Adobe’s plentiful and lengthy EULAs, which state one cannot create tools with Adobe’s products that compete with Adobe’s products. Do not proceed with development until you’ve hired a team of lawyers to research patented ideas both implemented and merely conceived.

  5. Chris Allen says:


    Please cease and desist witht the FUD. Are you a lawyer? Have you read the Flex Builder 2 EULAs? Nothing is patnented either as far as I can tell. Please back up anything you say in regards to the legality of Flexible with proof. Anyway, Keith’s blog is a weird place to have this type of discussion.

  6. kp says:

    I’m no lawyer, but it sounds a bit ridiculous.

  7. Austin K says:

    From the flexible osflash.org page:

    pre-alpha release on 10.24.2006

    ya’ll come back now, ya’ hear?

    I guess we should give John a nudge, eh?

  8. John Grden says:

    Hehe sorry guys, I extended that deadline to be sometime this week 😉 I needed to get it to a point of being somewhat usable with property editing etc. and I wanted to implement:

    1. switching to code view and back
    2. modified drag/move behavior
    3. resize by dragging from bottom left

    1,2 are what I’m shooting for before I release since i think they’re critical parts to the puzzle

  9. aardvark says:

    Sorry, I had just finished reading an article about IBM suing Amazon over some silly little patents and so when I saw John’s application, and it’s potential, I thought I’d make a joke. I suppose that as ridiculous as it sounds, it wasn’t funny.
    No, I’m not a lawyer and I quit reading EULAs when I started finding clauses about how terms were subject to change. I do recall reading once in one of Microsoft’s application EULAs that their tools could not be used to create competitive products. Adobe isn’t Microsoft and I doubt that Adobe would care about any open-source product so long as the developer wasn’t making money at their expense. Anyhow you are right, Keith’s blog is a weird place to discuss such.

  10. John Grden says:

    no worries Aardvark, I thought it was a joke too 😉

    just an update: I’ll be releasing it tonight no matter what it looks like 😉 I’ve made some great progress with the property manager and I’d REALLY like to get switching back and forth between code/design view working before putting it out there. As long as there’s a football/baseball game on, it’s easy to justify the evening hours with the wife 😉

  11. Austin K says:

    John, awesome! What is it? An ‘app’ or is it a SWF, projector?

  12. John Grden says:

    right now, it’ll just be a SWF. I’d like to make it an apollo app when apollo comes out, but for now, I’m just going to do a swf.

    to do the loading of an mxml doc, i’ll give the user a text field to paste a location into. For saving, i’ll output to a textarea panel and copy to the clipboard.

    Keith and I had talked about actually compiling with it by using mxmlc later on 😉 but I don’t know about that yet. THere’s a TON to do to make it just a usable design/layout tool.

  13. Austin K says:

    Ok cool. Sounds awesome. *drum roll*

  14. John Grden says:

    Ok, it’s out there!

    Read the notes, I’m tired, video tomorrow, hope you like it…night night 😉


  15. Austin K says:


    John = (SuperHero)John;


    I ran it — interface and UI looks awesome. I can’t get the File/properties text showing up though and I pressed ‘shift’ to load in — doesnt work. I ran it in the standalone debug player. Is that the wrong player? I’ve got flex builder and the only players I can find are under a debug folder. Any ideas?

  16. Austin K says:

    If you save the .swf as a projector .exe then it works.

  17. John Grden says:

    Yup! That’s what you have to do! I gotta get the security for loading the external XML files dealt with so it works 😉

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