Happy Birthday to me!

The big 42. Yikes.

I expect at least one “old man” joke from Grant Skinner. Bring it on, ya little whippersnapper!

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24 Responses to Happy Birthday to me!

  1. ha ha … I have you by a couple years, young’un. Enjoy the day and best wishes for the future!

  2. Gustavo says:

    Happy birthday!!! The wonder 40’s lol… people say that 40’s is the perfet age (nice youth-eperience mix).


  3. Ahmet says:

    HAPPY B-day!

    Btw your books are great 😉


  4. kp says:

    I have to say, the older I get, the better life gets. Can’t complain about that.

  5. Dave G says:

    happy Birthday Keith! Mine was yesterday, great month eh 😉

  6. Steve says:

    Happy Birthday Keith!
    Put this search string into Google’s Calculator and see what you get:
    “answer to life the universe and everything”

  7. Nicola says:

    Happy Birthday Sir Keith!
    (Sir of codeland.)

  8. Dru says:

    Ah, 42…you’ve got me by ten years but I can’t wait to reach that age where you understand Life, Universe, and Everything…

  9. Whenever a man’s friends begin to compliment him about looking young, he may be sure that they think he is growing old. — Victor Hugo

    LOL, Enjoy your birthday Keith.

  10. Miha says:

    Happy birthday Mr. Bit-101 or rather, Mr. Bit-101010 since these are the 42 times 🙂

  11. Happy bday!

    All the best,

  12. Laurent says:

    I’m 42 too (and 43 in February)… But I’m a young man in the Internet worksphere.

    Don’t worry we have the experiment of the life! 😉

    Happy birthday

  13. Chris Allen says:

    Happy Birthday!


    Man that’s one cheezy looking 42, but I guess IT is the answer. Wikipedia never lies, does it?

  14. Igor Costa says:

    haha Good Chris

    Keith really? 42?

    Man, get a rest hehe. Just kidding, so pretty cool.

    Happy birthday.

  15. jon says:

    word up keith,

    happy bday!

  16. C4RL05 says:

    Indeed, it gets better. Can’t wait to be 42.

  17. Weyert says:

    Happy birthday! Hopefully you had a great birthday 🙂

  18. iuliub says:

    Happy birthday!

  19. hey! Happy Birthday Keith!

    Regards, From Argentina, Ignacio.

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