Sketching Physics

This makes me drool…

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6 Responses to Sketching Physics

  1. Kevin Hoyt says:

    Wow! I loved physics in high school, though I always scored horribly on my assignments/tests. A love-hate relationship perhaps, that might have taken my career in a completely different direction if it was made love-love by instructional systems like this one! That’s amazing!

  2. Miha says:

    You can download that exact same program if you have a Tablet PC from Microsoft’s site ( ), but assuming that you don’t, here’s another nice one (not as good as the one on video, since you can’t just draw the shapes yourself, but still fun enough to mess around with):
    I mirrored it, because the original site is down, so please be kind to bandwidth. 🙂

  3. kp says:

    whoa, miha. I don’t have a tablet pc, so downloaded the other one. Awesome!

  4. Jensa says:

    Sweet! I’ve seen several over the same theme lately. How about this one or even this classic?


  5. deAd says:

    Microsoft Physics Illustrator only installs on Tablet PCs, but the source is available and it can be compiled yourself. It’s C#.

    Here is an article about extracting help files and compiling it:

    A direct link to the compiled files (with documentation and four samples): (this link will not work forever)

    XP SP2 is required. You need Windows Journal Viewer.

  6. yusuf says:

    amazing u r woooooow!!!!!!

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