John Grden on the Drums!

Bringing the term “Flash Rock Star” to a new level, John Grden hooked up a drum kit via midi to a Red 5 server, and somehow got that controlling a Flash visualization, while simultaneously streaming the video from a web cam… AND the whole thing gets recorded as an flv with cue points for each drum hit, so you can play back the whole thing with the same visualizations. The man is insane.

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8 Responses to John Grden on the Drums!

  1. Josh Tynjala says:

    That’s gotta be the coolest use of Flash that I’ve ever seen. Rock on, John. Rock on!

  2. Butterfly says:


    I love it, the first rock music I ever listened to was Red Barchetta.


    It was so great to meet you!


  3. Man…it’s be cool to hook that up to Neil Peart (or Mike Portnoy) live…that was insanely cool.
    And that was Subdivisions, not Red Barchetta, Butterfly. Same Rush, different song…

    Absolutely wild.

  4. John Grden says:

    Thanks all! I was absolutely blown away at the response this session got at FITC – people were very cool and was a total blast!

    Jason: The final song I played was a DreamTheater montage of 3 songs 😉

    this is a version I did at home, I don’t know if anyone got the live version on video. Someone did get part of it, but not all of it:

    Thanks again, and Butterfly – was great meeting you too!

  5. John Grden says:

    here’s the live version – it starts after the first song, going into the 2nd:


  6. Nicola says:

    Really cool, this is the first time I see flash used in this way.

  7. Absolutely dead-cool for musicians. This should be a great tool for collaboration, performance, education…

    And John was a very cool dude to meet.

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