BIT-101: 5 years old!

Wow, the date slipped by me earlier this month, but I just realized that is now five years old. The first experiment in the old lab is from August 24, 2001, but the site didn’t go live until September 11, 2001. Got kind of eclipsed by some other things that were going on that day.

The site has been very, very good to me. Pretty much directly due to the popularity that BIT-101 attained, I was able to walk in to some very nice jobs, write or contribute to many books, get several free trips to various parts of the world to speak to people at conferences, and have more side work than I could possibly handle. So thanks for visiting the site, telling other people about it, and saying good things. It has really changed my life.

Unfortunately, all this activity has made it so I’m not really able to do the daily experiments that got the site its popularity in the first place. I tried a new lab idea at the beginning of this year, but that didn’t quite work out either. The idea was that it would be a project-based lab, but tht inhibited me from posting simple random experiments.

I’m rethinking the blog-based lab idea again, with just one-shot experiments of whatever I’m workin on at the time. I’ve been exploring a lot of AS3 stuff these days, and even some Flex 2 stuff now. It would be great to post some of that. No promises but keep an eye out for it.

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14 Responses to BIT-101: 5 years old!

  1. Brajeshwar says:

    Yeah, right. It is indeed a nice feeling when your site is more of your online identity. It is indeed nice to look at the Site’s Archive. Mine too started closely along your date, first release on August 01, though my site was booked on June 11, 2001.

  2. Mark says:

    Yeah Keith, I hear ya, there’s not enough time to do all the things that are in my head.

    Congrats on BIT-101!

  3. Miha says:

    Hurray! Congratulations on the fifth anniversary! I’d love to see one-shot experiments again, especially in AS3 and maybe Flex 2 🙂

  4. Sam Robbins says:

    Well Flex 2 really isn’t framework for experimentation, but I’d like to see something with a older compiler not a modern one. They tend to crap out.

  5. Jason says:

    Looking forward to another 5, and some good AS3 stuff!

  6. Eric Dolecki says:

    Congratulations Keith 🙂

    March 10, 2001 was my first live date.

  7. Jolyon Russ says:

    Surely Brevity has enough scope to keep you occupied for another 5 years 🙂

    BIT-101 is a Flash institution and will grow and evolve as Flash does.

  8. Luis Neng says:

    Hello Keith!!! What a coincidence, we SPIRITUC ( is now 6 years 🙂
    Happy birthday for both of us!!!

  9. Congratulations!

    All the best,

  10. Kristin says:

    Congratulations Keith!

    your success is well deserved!

  11. Cubny says:

    first of all congrats on your amazing works,
    yes that’d be amazing to see the old lab based blog again, cause that worked for me

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