Making Things Move! for Twenty Bucks.

I just noticed a link on the Friends of ED site to purchase Foundation ActionScript Animation: Making Things Move! as an E-Book. If that is your preferred method of reading, you can download the book and have it in your hands right now for only $20. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but thought it was worth mentioning.

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9 Responses to Making Things Move! for Twenty Bucks.

  1. sascha says:

    Usually eBooks lead me to go and buy the paper version of a it if I notice from the eBook that the book is interesting for me and the contents are quality! I find it hard to read long texts/books on-screen so I’d always prefer the paper version (that might change if electronic paper would finally become feasable and we just could transfer an eBook to paper temporarily) πŸ˜‰

  2. Hi… well i just bought the ebook, and also have the paper version, i just think it’s nice to have the abillity to search in the book..
    i really enjoy this book, it’s very cool… i enjoy reading all the math and physics, i’am a webdeveloper so it’s nice to read something else πŸ™‚

    and to Sascha, the ebook you can buy of this ebook allows printing so you could just print the pages out πŸ™‚

  3. sascha says:

    Jonas, sure you can print the pages but then you have a loose bunch of paper that you have to bind together etc. … lot’s of work! Easier to buy the paper version. In many cases however I feel that it would be useful to have a temporary off-computer reading-device. I don’t use a laptop and I like the feel of paper so I’m hoping some sort of electronic paper will be something real in near future.

  4. David says:

    The book is now less than 30$. I received mine yesterday, and i’m happy like a kid with a new toy!

  5. Flashger says:

    @David: Just got mine 4 days ago! πŸ™‚ You wont be disapointet!

    Great stuff!


  6. Harold Bull says:

    I just purchased Actionscript Annimation.
    The first chapter gave me the impression that it is possible to display the animation after each iteration of a line of as code, instead of waiting for the next frame before displaying??
    For example I want the ball to move smoothly across the screen. At 12 fps (required) the display is choppy. I want to show the ball each time it moves 5 px but not change the fps or the total distanced moved (1200px). Did I misunderstand the first chapter or can you show me more specifically in code how to accomplish this annimation with smooth, small steps but keeping the total time and total distance independent of the step increment. Thanks HTB

  7. kp says:

    No, the stage will NOT update except at the end of each frame.

    The one way to get around it is to use updateAfterEvent(), but this only works within certain functions – e.g. mouse event handlers, setInterval calls, maybe some others.

  8. Mark says:

    “Making Things Move! for Twenty Bucks.” – how many times has that title been used on the porn sites πŸ˜‰

  9. kp says:

    … or a laxative ad… πŸ™‚

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