FiTC Hollywood, session change

When I signed up to speak at FiTC Hollywood, I was deeply involved with my Brevity project, and very excited about it. So I figured that would be a great thing to talk about. Well, as detailed in another post, I’m putting Brevity on hold for a bit. So I’m changing my presentation to “Making Things Move with AS 3!”

Of course, this ties into the fact that I am rewriting my book, Foundation ActionScript Animation: Making Things Move! to be an AS 3 book. In case the site hasn’t updated yet, here’s my proposed new blurb:

Making Things Move with AS3

Back in the early days of Flash, ActionScript was easy. You opened up the IDE, drew some shapes, typed some code, and hit Control-Enter. Voila! A masterpiece. What you could do was limited, but some pretty incredible stuff was created.

Now, with ActionScript 3.0, we have speed and power that we only could have dreamed of back then. But for the newcomer, it is pretty daunting. Packages, namespaces, classes, public, private, protected, override, event listeners, display lists, etc. Where do you start? There’s a lot of info out there on using Flex 2 to develop rich internet applications, but what about just moving an object sround the screen?

In this session, Keith will show you the basics of coding animation in AS3 and what has changed. How to get import graphics into a movie, use the drawing API, these new things called “sprites”, the display list and using events for animation.

Who This Presentation Is For:

Newcomers to AS3, (basic AS 1 or 2 experience is helpful), or anyone who wants to understand animation in AS3.

What Attendees Will Walk Away With:

The goal is to demystify the new language and give some rules of thumb and strategies for using AS3 to code animation.

See you there!

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3 Responses to FiTC Hollywood, session change

  1. Chuck says:

    I’ll line up to hear you speak, no matter what the topic. I am glad to hear about the change though and I think it’s a good move. I’m sure many folks are anxious to get a glimpse at your follow-up.

    Just submitted my presentation info too. I will be there speaking about Yahoo! Maps. Lot’s of great speakers so FITC Hollywood is looking like lots of fun.

    See you there!

  2. ignitrix says:

    Foundation ActionScript Animation: Making Things Move! as an AS3 book!? Ooooh, can’t wait. Any tentative idea when it will be released? 1 month? 6 months? 1 year?


  3. kp says:

    Six months sounds just about right. Supposed to go to printer the beginning of February.

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