Brevity update

As with many projects, Brevity started out with a bang, and has slowed down. I still have plans for t, but a couple things have happened.

One is that I’ve just gotten too damned busy. Got a couple of side projects going, plus writing about 1/4th of the ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook with Joey Lott and Darron Schall, tech reviewing Programming Flex 2.0 by Joey Lott and Chafic Kazoun, and rewriting my own Foundation ActionScript Animation: Making Things Move! for AS 3. That’s on top of a full time job and family. Just ain’t no time left for Brevity!

The other thing is that I want to turn Brevity into an Apollo application, but I kind of have to wait until I can get my hands on Apollo. (Hint, hint, Mike.) It’s currently all done in Python and wxPython, which is great for cross platform stuff, but requires that stuff being installed on the machine. I’ve done well with getting py2exe creating a standalone for the pc, but was still struggling with py2app for the mac. Having it be an Apollo app would make a lot of really cool things possible, and probably open the door to more people contributing to it.

So Brevity is on hold for a bit until I finish some of these projects, free up some time, and get my mitts on Apollo. Of course, I’m assuming anyone even cares. But I’m going to do it even if nobody does care, so there!

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7 Responses to Brevity update

  1. Josh Tynjala says:

    Right on! I’ve got big plans for Apollo too. It’s exciting to know that there’s a pile of ideas already to get things moving.

  2. senocular says:

    We care! And I think making it an apollo app would be fantastic.

  3. kp says:

    Thanks. Yeah, I think the connectivity features of Apollo could open up some really cool features. I’m thinking there could be a Brevity gallery of experiments you can browse from right in the IDE. Then click “get source” and the source opens up right in the IDE for you to change and recompile right there, and then when you’ve created something cool, upload it back up to the gallery as a new submission.

  4. kp says:

    Ah, see, now you got me excited about Brevity again!

  5. Mawhy says:

    I wrote a short note about Brevity in Polish language.

    Micha? Ma?aj

  6. Fergus says:

    Yup, we care!

    Though at the same time I sort of wouldn’t want it to interfere with your other projects… I’m about 2/3 of the way through the existing Foundation Actionscript Animation book and loving it, so I can empathise with the desire of the world at large to see an updated edition. 🙂

  7. jadd says:

    Hi K,
    I’m sure this is useless for your work but… You are one of the most influential around, and your “brevity” in coding is simply what I love.
    Greetins from Italy and thanks for your work, Jadd.

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