New Toy: Chocolate!

Yup, I bought one. I gotta say, it’s by far the coolest phone I ever owned. My last phone just turned two, so I was eligible for an upgrade and $100 towards a new phone, so for $50 after rebate, I picked up this baby:


So far, I’m liking it. The one problem is that the interface is pretty small, and my fingers are not. But after entering all my contacts, I was getting pretty used to it, and got pretty good at hitting one key, not three at a time.

chocolate side

The interface is apparently a Flash UI. I would say the responsiveness could be a bit better, but again, its something that I think I’ll have to get used to. I wound up going too deep in menus a few times, clicking, not noticing a response and clicking again, then having both clicks register. Part of it is that the buttons are not tactile, so there’s no physical feedback to know when you pushed them. Once I started getting used to knowing how much pressure was needed, I was able to let go and “trust the force” (no, I am NOT a Star Wars geek).

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7 Responses to New Toy: Chocolate!

  1. Ben says:

    Apparently only the top 3 levels of menus are in Flash Lite, and so is the wallpaper ( Maybe it was when you got to the non-Flash menus that responsiveness suffered?

  2. Andrea says:

    very cool.

    please don’t give sam any ideas…. just lie and tell him it sucks. 🙂

  3. kp says:

    oh… Andrea, I wish you had told me that before lunch. We just got back from Verizon…

    Just kidding. 🙂

  4. Hi Keith,

    I have a Chocolate phone as well at work for R&D reasons. I had a question to ask you. Have you been able to get Flash content on the phone. I have been usucessful to date. I think it is because Verison uses the Brew technology for content distribution, but wasnt sure if their was a work around.

    If you have found a way to get flash content on the phone would you mind tossing the info my way?

    – Ryan

  5. kp says:

    It’s my understanding that the Flash Lite 2.1 for BREW stuff isn’t quite released yet.

  6. Thanks Keith. At leased I wasn’t missing something.

  7. Tink says:

    “So far, I’m liking it. The one problem is that the interface is pretty small, and my fingers are not.”

    thought about false nails?

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