flashextensibility.com relaunches!

A couple of years back (wow, was it so long ago already?) while I was writing the book Extending Flash MX 2004 with Todd Yard, I registered the domain name, flashextensibility.com. I had a site up there for a while with info about the book, a forum, and a repository of extensions, not only from the book, but submitted by others as well.

As time went on though, I drifted away from the extensibility scene and the site got kind of stale. A few months back I decided to give it up and let someone else have it. Peter Elst stepped forward. He was the technical editor for the book, and knows the subject well, so I was really happy to hand it over to him.
After a short break, the site is now back on line with some nice extensions up. I plan to add a bunch myself. If you use the Flash IDE at all, you’re definitely going to find some good stuff that will speed up your workflow. Do yourself a favor and check it out:


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2 Responses to flashextensibility.com relaunches!

  1. francois says:

    hi there
    just wanted to know if there will be an update to your’s and todd’s jsfl book for flash8 or 9 ?

  2. kp says:

    Nothing planned. I don’t think there were really enough changes to warrant a whole new Flash 8 version. Perhaps it might be worth it for Flash 9 but I’m not sure I’d have the time or interest to work on it, personally.

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