John Grden Roadshow, coming to Boston

I just wanted to remind everyone in the New England area about next week’s BFPUG meeting and urge you to try to make this one.

This month’s speaker, John Grden, is one of the most brilliant and talented Flash designer/developers out there.

He is the creator of the Xray Flash debugger, FLASC – the Flash extension allowing you to run the MTASC compiler from within the Flash IDE, project manager for RED5 open source media server (and that’s all just in his spare time). He is also the lead developer at the Blitz agency in LA. We are really lucky to be able to get him to come up here to speak at our group, so I’m hoping we can give him a really big turnout.

Among the other cool projects he is working on are a Flash-based video editor with special effects (think AfterEffects done completely in Flash), 3D modelling in Flash, a cartoon creation framework, and a facial pattern program designed to capture your expression via a web cam and map it to an animated Flash character. Rumor has is that he also designed one of the smaller Egyptian pyramids. 🙂

I have no idea what he’ll talk about. He may have started some even crazier projects since I last talked to him, but you can guarantee it will be something to set your head reeling.

Again, don’t miss this one! Next Wednesday, June 28, 7pm at NEIA. Details and directions on

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One Response to John Grden Roadshow, coming to Boston

  1. Sam Robbins says:

    No it was a Mayan temple.

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