Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Somehow I knew in my gut that leaving Best Buy without a computer in my hands was not a good idea. I just called the Customer Fulfillment Center and I am not feeling very fulfilled. Seems there was some problem with the order and it is not being sent. No idea what or why. I have to call the store and talk to someone there, but it’s only 9am and nobody will be in for another hour.

I’d like to think it’s some minor glitch and it will be all taken care of when I call, but I’ve become skeptical over the last month.

Initiating communication with Better Business Bureau and Attorney General’s office.

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6 Responses to Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

  1. ericd says:

    Oh man! Not only did they take your crap laptop, now they aren’t replacing it… this is much worse than my wife’s iBook story.

    I hope you get this resolved. I would write a letter to whomever runs Best Buy too. Can’t hurt.

  2. FlashGen says:

    Oh man this sucks. I thought customer service and getting a replacement outta companies was bad over here in the UK, but this kinda pips it. Fingers crossed it all gets resolved ASAP and to your satisfaction.

  3. Apparently you tried to escape the island without pressing the numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 … the Hanso Foundation now disapproves and is with holding your laptop for ransom until you come back to the island.

  4. Reuben says:

    The BBB is a waist of time. Your state attourney general will require a rebuttle letter to the one best buy will send you back. If your are well spoken in your letter and can site either inconsistencies in their warenty or service documents, it will help your case through the SAG. I have been there (not w/ Best Buy) and a good letter to the SAG will get you results. The BBB wil just get you frustrated.

  5. Ken says:

    What’s the SAG? The Screen Actors Guild?

  6. kp says:

    Probably State Attorney General.

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