Brevity News and Sample

Brevity is not dead. Some setbacks with lack of a pc lately. Getting used to the Mac, but it’s still slower for me.

Still looking for some py2app help, if anyone knows it well.

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7 Responses to Brevity News and Sample

  1. Philippe says:

    Who said Brevity was dead???

    It’s becoming very cool – you’re taking some great design decision regarding the (hidden) framework: to make it simple & fun!
    I think I’ll have some free time soon to play with it 🙂

  2. Philippe says:

    BTW, will it play nice when loaded into a larger application?

  3. kp says:

    Nobody said it was dead, but I thought people might think that since I’ve just been blathering on about Best Buy for the last couple of weeks. 🙂

  4. kp says:

    “will it play nice when loaded into a larger application?”

    I assume so. BrevityApp is simply an AS3 class that extends Sprite. You can either use your Brevity created class as the main document class for your App, or created a new instance of it within your app.

    However, come to think of it, a lot of things are currently tied to stage size. Might need to make that more flexible if people want to limit it to a portion of the stage.


  5. Philippe says:

    “BrevityApp is simply an AS3 class”
    That’s cool. But what if you have 2 or more BrevityApps loaded? And what about beeing able to control the animation from the host (ie. pause)?
    Ok, I stop now 😉

  6. kp says:


    I think it’s that simple. But I’d have to test it out.

  7. julien says:

    great news, can’t wait to play with it 🙂

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