Just when I thought it couldn't get worse.

My continuing saga with BestBuy. (You have been warned.)

I just got a call from BestBuy. Over the last four days, they managed to run some hardware diagnostics on my laptop. These diagnostics failed to find any problems. But they do see that the fact that it constantly freezes up is a problem. So now they want to reformat my hard drive.

I said fine.

He said, “The thing is, that’s a software issue.”

I said, “OK…”

He said, “Software is not covered by your warranty.”

Me: “Are you saying you want me to pay you to reformat my hard drive?”

Him: “Um… yes. We can’t send it out for hardware repair until we verify that it isn’t a software problem.”

Me: “I’m not paying you to format my hard drive. The computer worked fine. Then it wouldn’t power up. You replaced the motherboard and now it freezes constantly. You need to make it work. Anyway, I can reformat a hard drive. I’m not paying you to do that.”

Him: “You can talk to my manager tomorrow.”

I think I’ll walk over and talk to the manager personally tomorrow.

Still waiting to hear back from my email to the CEO…

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10 Responses to Just when I thought it couldn't get worse.

  1. Whatever happened to the customer is always right?

    Are you asking for their full names when speaking with them?

    I always ask that of tech support (if they don’t tell me): “Whom am I speaking with, may I ask”? After all, it’s only fair since they have your info … and, after getting their info, they know that it’s a 1-1 connection. They’re more apt to help you on the phone. Usually.

    You can also use this info later, to say: “Jane Doe”, instead so and so … instead of a generic “you guys”. It makes it more personal, and I’ve found it gets me better results, especially when running into trouble like this. Especially with a big corp like Best Buy.

    … if I had Best Buy, I’d sell after reading your story thus far.

  2. Josh Tynjala says:

    I can’t decide which result I want to see.

    1) You reformat and discover it’s not a software issue. You then kick some manager ass and get a new laptop.

    2) The reformat works fine and you don’t have to worry about it again.

  3. Mani says:

    Things like this remind me of the importance of meditation. I haven’t shopped there for years since I had a similar experience with a Palm Pilot.

  4. Karel says:

    They don’t need your harddisk to perform some diagnostic tests, so they’re telling you bullshit.
    Any hardware-seller/repairer has tools for diagnostic tests. It would be stupid to depend on the software/hardware of the user to get things repaired. 😀

  5. Hey Keith,

    I think we all know it isn’t the drive thats causing problems, but here is a suggestion:

    I would recommend that you ask them to temporarily put in a known working drive, as even formatting your existing drive wouldn’t necessarily eliminate a hardware issue with the drive that is intermittent. Formatting it proves nothing. Putting in a fresh drive with a good known working configuration (which any reputable PC repair show should have, and would do in the course of diagnosing a problem) would help eliminate the drive as a potential cause. If the problem is still there, not only has it now turned into a hardware issue, but it will have taken you past the threshold for hardware repairs, and qualify you finally for a full replacement. If the problem goes away, then maybe it was the drive after all. In either case, it will have been a hardware related issue and get you the free full replacement.

    Best of luck!

  6. kp says:

    I think the real problem is that I’m dealing with people with a complete inability to excersize any responsibility or initiative. They have a list of steps that they are supposed to follow and that’s all they know. Anything else, regardless of how logical it may sound to you or me, is foreign to them. I’ll talk to the manager tomorrow and see if he is the same breed or if he has some self-determinism and ability to think on his own.

  7. OMG! I saw “Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse” from Keith Peters in my RSS reader and thought, “Don’t tell me Best Buy is screwing him again?” I’ve been following the adventures, but not commenting on it. But… DAMN! I realized it crossed the line of reason a while back. But… Damn!

    My advice, go over to the CEO’s house, have a sit down by the fire place. Spark a J. Then tell the house help that the old man said you could have any laptop in the house.

    If that doesn’t work, I would go into Best Buy during prime time and mictorate on their rug, Dude.

  8. kp says:

    This unchecked lack of service WILL NOT STAND!

  9. Chris Griffith says:

    I just hope your hard drive doesn’t end up being sold at a swap meet!

  10. steveosteen says:

    Hi Kp,
    I love your work, and I’m waiting Brevity with impatience.
    But your computer is broken…
    I’ ve got a suggestion : looking at your Web Site bit-101.com, I click “Stuff” then “Source” where there are many .fla
    I just tested , it’s very powerfull, free and easy. Just put your “Lussumo Filebrowser Files” in the swfs folder (I know you need to compile all your .fla) but the result is great…
    “Just an idea !”

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