It's all over

Yup. I guess, at least for the time being, I have officially switched.

I’ve had the Mac Mini for about a year now. Been using it as an entertainment center and master file storage mainly. But without a pc for the last two weeks, and with BestBuy dragging their butt on doing anything for the next 2-3 weeks, I’ve pretty much moved into the Mac hotel on a permanent basis.

Today it became pretty official. I bought me a Mac keyboard. I was sick of trying to figure out how the control, option, command, and alt keys mapped to the control, alt, windows and whatever keys of my pc keyboard. The extra USB ports don’t hurt either, and it sure takes up a lot less space. I came pretty darned close to picking up one of those fancy schmancy Mac mouses too, but managed to control myself.

I was also checking out the new MacBooks. I thought the 13-inch screen was going to be way too small, but it is not bad at all. There’s no way I’m making any major purchase like that til at least Christmas, but I may have to hang up an iStocking by the chimney this year…

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6 Responses to It's all over

  1. I got a Mac for testing about 6 months ago and I’ve really enjoyed it. The only problem I’ve encountered is installing a lot of developer tools is really a painful process (you can install this but you need this and for this you need this and this need to have the config edited if it’s Tuesday…). Now that .net is running at a good pace with Mono and SEPY works like a champ on the Mac, I’m thinking of switching for good. I can turn my dev box into a gaming rig. 🙂

  2. ericd says:

    Well… get an Intel Mac and either dual-boot (XP & OS X) or use Parallels – you get a PC and a Mac in the same box. NO ONE needs Vista – no one WILL need it either. Two machines for the price of 1.1. Thats a great deal 🙂

  3. Tangent says:

    I just got a Mac Mini with 1.66GHz intel processor, and it rocks along with Bootcamp that allows me to switch back and forth between Mac and Windows. I also learnt a little dirty secret about getting it as opened box at Apple store. I will have to ask for it and get a 10% or more discount.

  4. Sam Robbins says:

    you know you want it get ride of the toshiba.

  5. Pete says:

    Ive had to make the switch myself – for pretty much the exact same reason, but this time think Acer, who’ve had my poor laptop for 3 months now! But – ive found the Mac really great. Ive also survivied my first big test, by having a .net project to complete, for which i used Parallels to run all the MS specific bits. All good i think. But yeah – im pretty sure im never going back now.

  6. tim says:

    I am not sure how big a diff the OS makes. I mean, Eclipse and Flash look the same on either. CYGWIN makes bash shell easy on Windows. I use a Powerbook G4 and an Acer 8200 laptop. Once I get working I don’t really notice any difference between the two, so… I can’t understand why people get all excited about Mac vs. PC. It’s like Ford vs. Chevy as far as I can tell.

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