Brevity Sample

The IDE and parser for Brevity have reached a point of relative stability. I have a few people testing them, and I’ve moved on to working on the Brevity Framework – all the AS3 classes that will make it useful.

Still in its infancy, but finally got a sample worth posting here…

Flash Player 9 required, of course. The code you see there is all that is required, and the push of one button turns it into a Flash 9 SWF.

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4 Responses to Brevity Sample

  1. felix says:

    awesome! Does this mean I need to learn a new programming language?

  2. kp says:

    Good question. I’d say no. Brevity is more of a subset of AS3. And if you’re comfortable with AS3, you can write a straight AS3 class that simple extends BrevityApp. It’s all pretty flexible.

  3. John says:

    Impressive. Maybe you should include the unabridged (unbrevitied?) version of the code to show off just how short brevity makes the code. Keep up the great work.

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