Brevity is moving forward…

A few days back I posted about the Brevity project I started. I’ve been picking away at it and making some nice project. I’m on my third version of the parser, and finally got it working pretty much the way I want it to. It runs as a standalone executable as well, which is another goal done.

Now it has the bare beginnings of an IDE, done in wxPython, as you can see here:

Yeah, it’s just a text area and a button. The button calls the parser, passing in the name of the source file, which creates the AS3 class. It then calls mxmlc.exe, which compiles the SWF, which the IDE then launches in a separate window. All output is captured and displayed in the text area.

Nothing groundbreaking, but I’m pretty happy to have gotten this far by myself in so short a time. It’s pretty funny working in Python, ActionScript 3.0 and Brevity code all at the same time, running several different IDEs (Flex Builder 2 Beta for AS3, FlashDevelop for some other AS3 and Brevity and Wing-IDE for Python/wxPython).

I’ll be looking for some help pretty soon on this. ActionScript as well as Python, and general language design ideas (it’s all going to be open source, btw).

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7 Responses to Brevity is moving forward…

  1. Josh Tynjala says:

    I’ll definitely be watching. If I had some experience with Python, I’d be all over that. I have experience with FlashDevelop plugins, though. I’m sure Brevity support in FD would bring some good exposure from the Flash community.

  2. Nicola says:

    ok wonderfull. An easy whay to make people write simple code. But… where can I download it ?

  3. kp says:

    It’s got a ways to go before download. Still about 95% conceptual at this point.

  4. steveosteen says:

    I’m the kind of Geek very very interested by Brevity. I discovered Ruby last month, and Python is one of my favorite language easy to use with a console and so fast to compile and to get result. I wait with impatience to test Brevety. Thanks for your Great work Keith…

  5. jago says:

    Sounds like a really interesting project. Can you please put tellTarget in the language? I mean, how can you put the Flash back in Flash without tellTarget??

  6. kp says:

    tellTarget would be wicked pissa!

    how about setVariable? Remember this:

    setVariable(mc, “_x”, getVariable(mc, “_x”) + 1);

    equivalent to:


  7. Iman says:

    what happened to brevity?

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