BitmapData Encore Presentation in Boston

Last week’s BitmapData presentation at FiTC went over so well, I decided to do it again in Boston, at the Boston Flash Platform User Group. If you are in the area and missed FiTC, come on over: May 24, 7:00 p.m. at the New England Institute of Art. More data here.

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2 Responses to BitmapData Encore Presentation in Boston

  1. Gilbert Mizrahi says:

    Are this meetings open to the general public? Or do I have to join FiTC to be able to attend?
    If so, what I have to do?



  2. kp says:

    Yes, BFPUG meetings are open to the general public. BFPUG has nohing to do with FiTC. I Just did the same presentation at both places.

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