Apollo and Blaze



Reporting live from Toronto at FITC. Went to a number of sessions on day one. By far, the most excting news I heard was at the Keynote Address. Mike Downey talked a bit about Blaze (Flash 9) and gave a few hints about what direction it would be going in. Although he claimed he didn’t have a beta build of Blaze to show us, those with sharp eyes will have noticed that the version of Flash he was demonstrating stuff on said “Flash 9 Public Beta”, though I didn’t see anything in the interface that looked any different than Flash 8. Hmm….
And Mike Chambers gave probably the most detailed public description of Apollo to date. Apollo, if you don’t know, is the next generation solution for building desktop applications using html, Flash and PDF. Think Central, done right. Apollo apps will be just like any other desktop application. Download, install, they run in the OS, not some shell, and you have complete control over the “chrome” or the way the application’s window looks. Apollo apps will have access to the file system an all the other stuff that you would expect in a real application. I’m really excited about that one.
Earlier in the keynote, Sho Kuwamoto did a quick walkthrough of building a Flex 2 application, creating an mp3 music player in about ten minutes. Mike Chambers then showed that same app after it had been turned into an Apollo application. Pretty cool.

Lots more photos on my flickr page, including some I don’t totally recall taking. 🙂


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3 Responses to Apollo and Blaze

  1. Mike Downey says:

    Hi Keith –

    Good catch, noticing the title bar in the build that I was running during the demo. It was in fact an early build of what we will be releasing on Adobe Labs this summer, the “Flash Professional 9 ActionScript 3.0 Public Alpha” which will include the ActionScript 3.0 compiler and related functionality and UI (such as new support for “Document Class”) for using ActionScript 3.0. The public alpha will not, however, include any of the other new features that we plan to release in Flash 9. The public alpha will be made available for free on Adobe Labs to registered Flash Professional 8 customers.


    Mike Downey | Sr. Product Manager, Flash | Adobe Systems

  2. mark says:

    When is Flash Pro. 9 shipping? I can’t wait!

  3. chall3ng3r says:


    i’m excited too about the 9 thing 😉

    // chall3ng3r //

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