Flash Video Taking Over the Web

Just ran across this article, http://www.techcrunch.com/2006/04/16/clicktv-moves-video-ideas-forward/, about Click.tv, another web video service. Interesting to me was the quote:

Macromedia, by the way, is a major source of the creativity. Just about everyone is transcoding to Flash to show the videos to users, and the new Flash tools are allowing developers to do really interesting things with video, like deep tagging and annotations.

Other than the fact that someone needs to tell the author that it’s Adobe now, I found that pretty cool.

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One Response to Flash Video Taking Over the Web

  1. Robinson.Mx says:

    I am a flash fan of you.Actually I am a flash and programming beginner.Almost everyday I come to bit-101 to enjoy the digital art of flash and learn how to do it by myself.Appreciate for your free sources and tutorials.
    but recently,I found it is impossible to get in your old lab to view your old finished works.When I get in,it displayed “undefined”.why?is it still open to us or you have got it closed?
    at last,your little honey daughter is so cute.

    best regards to your wife and your baby!

    Robinson Ma(Chinese)

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