BFPUG Design Patterns Group Launches

The Boston Flash Platform User Group had its first Design Pattern discussion group last night. It went really well. Just short of 20 people showed up, more than I expected. Sam Robbins gave a short presentation and some examples of the Strategy pattern, which sparked a lot of good discussion, and branched off into some pretty wide ranging subjects. Then the pizza and drinks arrived and it broke off into a bunch of smaller discussions. I’m not sure they were all about design patterns, but I know at least some were! Afterwards, about a third of the group went to the bar downstairs for pool and foozball and a beer or two.

Overall, it was very cool. I think pretty much everyone walked away with something. If not a first introduction to patterns or the Strategy pattern, at least some new insights on how to use it.

Thanks to Brightcove for the use of the space, and the eats.

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2 Responses to BFPUG Design Patterns Group Launches

  1. Step Schwarz says:

    Damn.. I wish I had known about BFPUG yesterday. I would have loved to be a part of that meeting. I’ve been reading O’Reilly’s Head First Design Patterns, but haven’t really put any of that to use with Flash. Yet. I’m glad I bumped into this post.

  2. kp says:

    Looks like we’ll be doing the patterns meetings the first Wednesday of every month, so stop by in May!

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