April 2nd, finally

Well that was an interesting two days. And since when did April Fool’s Day start on the 31st???
For the record, nobody bought, sold, or merged with Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc., nor did any of them buy, sell or merge with anybody else. (Well, Microsoft probably bought something.) Apple did not hold a 30th Anniversary meeting and did not announce (insert product name) today. Any ridiculously fake sounding product or service released or announced over the last day and a half was ridiculously fake.
And last but not least, (insert person’s name) did not join (insert company’s name), which prior to now they have always ranted against, and are not now in charge of (insert product or technology), which was usually the target of their rants.

Thank you. Return to your homes. Nothing happened today.

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One Response to April 2nd, finally

  1. Miha L says:

    Haha! I just ignored all the “news” for the last 2 days 😛

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