Speaking at Boston University

Tomorrow I’ll be giving a presentation on Flash at Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts.

The students there are on a 9-month full-time program on design. For just two weeks of that, they learn about Flash. For each area they study, they have someone come in from the “real world” and talk about that subject. I’m the Flash guy this time around. Should be fun!

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One Response to Speaking at Boston University

  1. name says:

    Hey ya. Sorry for being slightly off topic, but… here it goes. I thougt about forum thing and I do understand why did you killed it. However, recently somebody has asked me something that I saw discussed on it, so I went to give him/her an URL, when I remembered that it’s gone 🙁 So, I thought why wouldn’t you resurrect it in read-only mode, at least, so that people could have their post references live?

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