wxPython book out, sort of

I’ve been learning Python recently, and dabbled a bit in wxPython. If you are not familiar, it’s a gui framework for Python allowing you to make native look and feel applications on Windows, Unix and Mac. It’s pretty powerful, but also a bit of a learning curve.

There’s a book being written on it, “wxPython in Action”. They’ve done an interesting thing with it. You can buy the book now, and download and read individual chapters as they are complete. Chapters 1 and 2 are now available. I’m a little ways into Chapter 2 right now, and I have to say they are doing a great job so far. Really clearly written, explains everything perfectly.

If you are interested, here is the link:

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4 Responses to wxPython book out, sort of

  1. ericd says:

    Perhaps we’ll see you as an application contributor to SEPY someday? 🙂

  2. Gene says:

    Python is very nifty, so wxPython is actually a nice way to dive into it!

  3. AI says:

    So when is this expected to be out?

  4. kp says:

    The full ebook is available for download now. The hardcopy version should be in stores by the 15th or so of this month. I’m on Chapter 8 now. It’s a great book. Really well written, easy to understand, covers great topics, gets you up to speed quickly.

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