More "Making Things Move" Reviews

Just ran across these two reviews of my book, Foundation ActionScript Animation: Making Things Move!

I have to say, I had a feeling the book was going to be received well, but it has far surpassed my expectations. Thanks everyone for saying such nice things about it!

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6 Responses to More "Making Things Move" Reviews

  1. Ooh, I’m excited now. I think I really really want to see this book, and probably get a copy. I’ve been making mathematical graphics in Java for years, and getting increasingly frustrated with its inexplicable bulkiness and ever-decreasing levels of adoption by web users. I’m looking forward to learning ActionScript well enough to do all the things I used to do in Java…

    (although I’ll almost certainly still keep playing with Processing!)

  2. Russ says:

    Here is my review…

    I just finished chapter 6, and it’s been great so far.
    You keep the math in simple terms, making it easy to focus on the scripts.
    Great job and thanks.

  3. ross says:


    I have to say this book is what I’ve been looking for since I first starting using AS back in Flash 5. It’s so nice to have it all in one place – instead of multiple places across the web. You’ve saved me and countless other programmers tons of searching time. Your descriptions and examples are so clear and concise. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the time you put into this book.

    So, when’s the next one coming out?

  4. Matt Bodman says:

    Dear Keith, I saw your booked plugged on They were talking about it like it contained the answers to world peace, so I ordered it. Its taken 3 weeks to make the journey Down Under, but I finally have it in my hands. After spending way to much company time at the bit-101 lab, I’m very excited to be starting the book. Congratulations on all your work, and thanks (in advance) for kickstarting my animation addiction. Kind regards, Matt Bodman, Australia

  5. kp says:

    thanks everyone. Matt, the book does not contain the answers to world peace. However, it is true that no two contries whose leaders have read the book, have ever gone to war with each other. 😉

  6. JLM says:


    I went round whole of Oxford yesterday (3 large book shops) to have a browse, and I also looked for it in waterstones Bath and I also looked in foyles london – seems it is not in the book shops in UK. I will order it online when I have read ‘headfirst design patterns’ but seems a shame that it is not on the shelves here especally considering other stuff they have here.


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