Flash 8 Video is amazing

Yeah, I know, I’m the last to notice. But I just took some videos of my daughter, Kristine, with my Canon A95. 640×480, 30 seconds long, 30 fps. They came in about 19 megs each as avis.

Fire up the Flash 8 Video encoder, select Flash 8 medium quality, wait a couple minutes. Out pops a < 2 meg flv. Create a new fla, throw a media plater component on stage, set the file name, publish, upload it and I'm done. Elapsed time: about 5 minutes. The quality rivals any other web-based video out there. The interface is slick. The streaming is quick and flawless. The ease of creating and publishing is unbelievable. Video in Flash is one area I've hardly explored. Obviously all I've done with it would fit into a Flash Video for Dummies, quick-start tutorial, and even at that, it's totally impressive.

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One Response to Flash 8 Video is amazing

  1. Eric Chan says:

    Hey Keith,

    First time posting in your blogs!
    Yea its something that I want to get into more. I’m currently working on my 2nd version portfolio and I needed to not just show static images but video as well. It was amazing how easy it was to integrate it. Scaling, rotating, movement…Flash has no probs handling video so as long they can be manipulated in a movieclip of course 🙂

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