Oops. We are back to Python.

Earlier I mentioned that my Intro to Computer Science class (starting a week from today) was going to be using Python to teach basic principles. When I went to get the book a while back, they said the professor had changed his mind, and they were ordering a couple of Java books. I just went back today and found out that Python is on and the book was available.

Now the thing is, I was checking out the book on Amazon after I thought we were moving to Java, and it looked pretty good, so I bought it and read the whole thing in a few days. It’s actually a great book. If you are interested, it is here: Python for Absolute Beginners. I can recommend it if you are interested in testing the Python waters. It’ll give you a really quick and easy to follow intro on what’s possible.
Since then, I have also gotten back into and read half of Learning Python, which was gathering dust on my shelves. I’ve also dug into several tutorials and last night started playing with wxPython, which absolutely rocks. I believe that’s what SE|PY was written in.

So the bottom line is, I think I’m going to sleep through my Intro to Computer Science course and still get a 4.0. Should be interesting!

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3 Responses to Oops. We are back to Python.

  1. Good to see they are not teaching Pascal anymore. 🙂

  2. Danny Miller says:

    Shouldn’t you be the one teaching ?

  3. kp says:

    Haha. I’m going to do my best to keep a low profile. 🙂

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