All BIT-101 Source Now On Line

When I post experiments on BIT-101, I always make the source available. After a while, say several months, I take down the old stuff, and from there on out it is only available on the BIT-101 Source CD.

Well, at least that’s how it has been. Starting now, the source for every experiment on the site (about 700 total), is now directly downloadable. Go get it:

Now, why would I do such a thing? For one, all the old stuff is, well, old. There’s Flash 5, Flash 6, Flash 7 stuff in there. And we are heading into Flash 8.5 and 9. Secondly, the lab has gone a bit stale. I’m just not adding any content to it any more. The combination of these two has brought down the value of the CD to the point where almost nobody is buying it, and I don’t blame them.

That said, there’s still some cool techniques and tricks in there. Definitely worth the price of $0 anyway.

So, where does BIT-101 go from here? Well, I’m not going to try and pump out daily experiments any more. OK, I haven’t in a while, but I’m going to come out and state that I’m not, so I don’t feel guilty about not doing it. However, I’m still committed to open source sharing of new techniques, and I have some plans up my sleeve for a new lab. Stay tuned for a new site in the next couple of weeks, hopefully. And this is not just one of those eternal “New Site Coming Soon” messages. I’m actively building the new site on a daily basis. I even broke down and enlisted some design help on a few elements!

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7 Responses to All BIT-101 Source Now On Line

  1. Mike M says:

    You mean you aint an fla churnin’ out machine after all?

    Talk about end of an era…..


  2. Keith Peters says:

    Consider it a sabbatical. 🙂

  3. Miha L says:

    Cool! I’m also looking forward to the new lab 😀

  4. Don’t know how you produced so much for so long. You’re really an inspiration Keith.

    Can’t wait to see the new site!

  5. sike says:

    This guy is a good guy.

  6. Dennis Landi says:

    Thanks for your generosity. Keep up the great work. I hope you “old lab” stays on-line permanently.


  7. Daniel says:

    now I know all your moves
    I’ll be soon before I beat you

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