Looks like I'll be learning Java

Well, I went to the college bookstore to pick up my Python book yesterday. It turns out that the department had ordered those books, but that’s not what the professor actually wanted. So now there are two other books on order, Intro to Computer Science, and some intro Java book.

I’m kind of sad. I started reading up on Python and it’s pretty cool stuff. I wound up ordering the other Python book off Amazon anyway. I already know the basics of Java, and it’s close enough to AS2/3, that I foresee practically doing the course in my sleep. Oh well.

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3 Responses to Looks like I'll be learning Java

  1. julien says:

    well, looks like you know a bit more than the basics 😉 … anyway, i hope you still find java as funny and powerfull as i do. have a nice time.

  2. George says:

    Maybe you could talk with your Professor and find out exactly what you will be covering.
    Afterall there may be somethings that you have not covered before and the fact that you have an understanding of the language may help you pick it up quicker.
    Otherwise, if you feel that it isn’t what you want you could let him know that you feel the course material is below your level and could he offer you some other direction.

  3. joe says:

    If you want python coolness checkout http://www.pygame.org 🙂


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