Run a Half Marathon With Me (in spirit)

[Edit] So, this might have been a great idea, but too little, too late, and would really need to make some kind of “click this button and record your message” application. And maybe someone bugging people go get it done. So consider this project cancelled. :)[/Edit]

Next Sunday, Feb 20, 2011, I’m running a half marathon – the Half at the Hamptons at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. During my run tonight, I started thinking about some of the minor details of the race, like… what am I going to listen to while I’m running? I’ve gone through phases of listening to music, listening to nothing, listening to podcasts, listening to audiobooks during my runs. I know can’t listen to 2 solid hours of music while running – I get bored with it. And I know I can’t listen to anything that requires long term attention, like podcasts or audiobooks.

Then, as I was running down in the basement on the treadmill, surrounded by my various computers and devices, I thought it would be cool to live video chat with people while I was running on the treadmill. Maybe even other people who were running at the same time. That’s a project for a different day, and not feasible for running a race anyway. But that led me into thinking of an alternative – what if I had a sort of “mix tape” of messages from friends. With the power of the Internet, blogs and twitter, I wonder how many people I could get to record 30 second to 1-2 minute messages, that I could then splice together with some music. Enough to make a two hour mix to last me through a half marathon? Let’s see!

So here is the challenge: record a short message to me, anywhere from 30 seconds to max of a minute or two. Say who you are, and something funny, encouraging, deep, whatever. Remember that I’ll be listening to it while running a half marathon, so don’t start asking me complex coding questions! Email it to me at REMOVED I’ll need time to combine them into a final mix, and I’ll be heading out early Saturday morning, so if you want to do it, try to get it in by Thursday night.

Also, what would REALLY rock is if I could get a volunteer to compile all the messages and choose some cool music to fill out the rest of the time with. Then when I start the race on Sunday, the whole mix would be completely new to me and a surprise every minute while I’m running.

If this comes off, I’ll make the final file available for anyone to download, and will be sure to report the results ASAP on Sunday.

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6 Responses to Run a Half Marathon With Me (in spirit)

  1. Matt Thomson says:

    hey cool idea. that would make for a very interesting run with all the random comments

  2. gc says:


    very nice idea!

    But I’m pretty sure you won’t run your best time. All those random “noise” will distract you big time. 🙂 Good luck, anyway!

    PS: It would be even more challenging if someone else does the mix for you. btw: I would do it. (you got my mail)

  3. Alex Nino says:

    hehehe! interesting… I can’t think on any better way of taking advantage of all this +/- 2 hours time… plus unlink your brain from your legs, especially on those last 3 miles. I did that before, I know it does feel on those last 3 miles… my goodness.

    Do you have any personal time target? say 2 hrs – 20 mins, or 2hrs 10 mins, less than 2hrs? errrr, considering that you ran 1000 miles last year, you’re probably aiming for 1hr 50 mins on this challenge I guess… otherwise some people will be disappointed, lol!

    hahaha, good luck dude, I will record my message tonight when I get home, cheers!

  4. Evan Mullins says:

    Great Idea! You should set up a google voice number and collect voicemail messages on it or something similar, or even a ribbit app right here on your site? Lower the effort barrier so to speak. And if you’d go as far as creating an app, it could record messages as well as receive uploaded music tracks. Then people can send you a song or other soundbyte along with their message. And let ibmwatson mix it for you 😉

    (cause you know – you have all the time in the world.) but it’d be an interesting project.

    Good luck on the run!

  5. Vic says: Nakahara Vol.23.mp3

    Let me know if you can download that. It is 1 hour long, I use it when I ‘race’.


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