BIT-101, coming to a FlashBelt near you!

I’m a bit behind on my conference reports, so a quick recap so far.

In April I went to FiTC Toronto. This was my 5th time speaking at TO. I skipped last year to do Amsterdam instead. I have to say that this was one of the most enjoyable FiTC’s I’ve been to in quite a while. Part of that is me – I think they always put on a decent conference, but my mind was just not into it last year in Amsterdam and the year before in TO. This year I was really relaxed and had a great time hanging out with new and old friends, seeing some great presentations, and just generally digging the community vibe. It was a bit more mellow than some others. A few people mentioned that. I guess we’re all getting a bit older. No need to be out til dawn every night going crazy.

Then last week I was in Belgium for Multi-Mania. My first time there and I had a blast. It’s a two day conference with one day of workshops and one of sessions. I got there a couple days early, so I had two days to just wander around Kortrijk and explore. Got taken out by Koen and a couple of Wouters for a Belgian beer tour. OK, so there’s still some fun to be had for being out til dawn going crazy. 🙂 Since there were a only a handful of non-Belgian speakers/attendees, I wound up spending a lot of quality time with Branden Hall, Jeremy Thorpe, Aral Balkan, Marc Thiele, and some hanger on named John Davey. 😉 Finally learned and got to play with Hype during Branden’s workshop and session, and finally got to see Jer’s presentation all the way through. Great stuff.

Those two conferences were a couple weeks apart, so I’m happy to have something like 5 weeks before my next one, which is FlashBelt. Like Multi-Mania, this is one that I’ve wanted to go to for a while. In fact Dave has been asking me to speak for a few years. I keep hearing how awesome it is, so I finally said yes. 🙂 I’ll be doing my Programming Art presentation again. I now have two sessions worth of feedback on it, and have some good feedback to go on. A few things I can shorten up, and a few I need to expand on. I hope this will be the best one yet. You should definitely go to this one if you have the time. It’s cheap! It’s quality! Speaker line up is fantastic! Hope to see you there.

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2 Responses to BIT-101, coming to a FlashBelt near you!

  1. vic says:

    yes, ill be there and will be @ ur session. I read your book as well and use your components. 🙂 thx

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