A few MinimalComp updates

Addressed all reported bugs and added a few graphical goodies.

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”http://www.bit-101.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Updates.swf” width=”420″ height=”320″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

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First is grids. The Panel now has a few new properties. Panel.showGrid turns on or off a grid drawn in the background. Panel.gridColor and Panel.gridSize let you control the color of the grid lines and how far apart they are. Grids also apply to the chart classes and work the same way.

Next is alternating rows for Lists and ComboBoxes. These now have an alternatingRow property which is false by default. Set it to true and every other row will be colored differently. You also have alternateColor, which along with defaultColor allows you to set the colors of the rows.

Finally, I didn’t like the way the Window’s title bar was inset. So it is no longer inset. And it now has a property called grips. This is a Shape object. It’s invisible by default, but if you set Window.grips.visible to true, you’ll see lines there that give it a bit of a tactile sense to the bar for dragging. I left it as a shape so if you want you can draw your own graphics in there if you don’t like the lines. Be warned though, it scales according to the width of the window, the size of the label, and whether or not there is a close button. I’m open for suggestions on how to make that all better.

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15 Responses to A few MinimalComp updates

  1. Matt says:

    You should allow multiple selections in your list component if you don’t already.

  2. Tom Byrne says:

    Have you thought about making an XUL parser to generate UIs built from your minimal components? This could be very useful for those writing Flash IDE tools in JSFL.

  3. manny says:

    I’ve been using your components pretty often and I’d like to thank you again for creating them.

    Would you be open to creating a new component that tracks variables over time? I’m guessing it would look something like a 2 column table with a name on one side and the value on the other. Currently I’m doing that with a TexField and use \t to vertically align values, make it easier to read. It works well but oftentimes the ragging is not aligned.

  4. nemxin2 says:

    Are there any updated “Designer View” available for Flash designer?

  5. summerTree says:

    when i use this as, i find some waring like this

    thank you!

    H:\flash 文件\Flash 与组件\src\com\bit101\components\ScrollBar.as, Line 259 Warning: 1090: Migration issue: The onMouseUp event handler is not triggered automatically by Flash Player at run time in ActionScript 3.0. You must first register this handler for the event using addEventListener ( ‘mouseUp’, callback_handler).

  6. Cardin says:

    First off, thanks for this awesome component!

    Here’s my story:
    I was using fl.controls.ComboBox, when I decided that the Flash version seemed too unwieldy and packed a lot of unnecessary stuff; I was only using ComboBox! (and not the other components.

    So I went off and downloaded your Components, and tried to integrate only ComboBox.as in. Halfway thru I nearly gave up, seeing as ComboBox had 10 dependencies of your classes, plus a FONT!

    But eventually I got rid of the font, swapped in my own and modded the UI, and voila! 30Kb of savings. *thumbsup*

    Some things I liked about your components:
    Easily customizable.
    Simplistic enough to understand its internals quickly.
    Lightweight and bug-free.

    Great work, I’m really glad to have this project around. I would however recommend changing some of the names of the event handlers, like summerTree noted, it was throwing a warning in Flash – not really much, but I like my Ouput Panel free of warnings and errors. 🙂

  7. ionut says:

    very nice but i get the same error as @summerTree

  8. ionut says:

    i forgot can u please post the source code of the swf included in this page or othe examples u have
    i’m very new to flash

    thanks in advance

  9. Hi. Just for your information and a little offtopic: I just found a Tree-Component done with your minicomps here:
    Best regards, Christian

  10. meigo says:

    Hi. I’d suggest list’s selectedIndex property to accept -1 value for deselecting items. thanks

  11. Matt L says:

    I don’t know how to thank you, Keith. Using your components, I just finished* a decent-sized project in 5 days, my fastest yet for something of that size. UI is what usually slows me WAY down, and occasionally just makes me lose interest altogether. These components made that bit incredibly easy, so I could focus on more important things.

    On another note: would you mind making the minimalDesigner code available? I was making my own version (it extended your component class: Just plop it in your project and create arrange new components right there), but got hooked up on a few things. I’d like to see what you did.

    Thanks again!

    *well, I *say* finished… I guess I still have to iron out the kinks, but close enough.

  12. fei0kite says:

    It’s nice .
    I like it so much.
    Thanks for building these components.

  13. Art says:

    I agree with Matt that multiple selections would be great in the list component.

  14. Art says:

    Also, thank heavens for those window grips; At long last, the problem with windows slipping right from under my cursor has been solved. Those windows ain’t going anywhere now.

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