101101 years old

Today is my birthday. I am 101101. How cool is that?

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24 Responses to 101101 years old

  1. Israel Lazo says:

    Happy 156 years!

    (i don’t remember binary)

  2. iGman says:

    Congratulations! Definitely this is awesome!

  3. happy parseInt(“101101”,2) th !

  4. lab9 says:

    on the 10100th of 1010!
    so cool ! congrats!

  5. Happy birthday!!! Keep making things move… 0x2D FTW!!!

  6. Cody says:

    Hey Happy Birthday, your exactly 1001 years older than I am – My birthday today too…

  7. jim says:

    I am (101101 ^ 111000)

  8. JimB says:

    Congrats Keith….been an avid follower of your blog for the past 111 years….how time flies!

  9. gary.ma says:

    Happy birthday!!! Please accept my best wishes for your birthday from China Beijing

  10. tomsamson says:

    happy birthday dude, keep exploring 🙂

  11. Romulo says:

    Happy Birthday Keith!
    All the best wishes for the rest of this and coming years!
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
    It has made of me a better AS3 developer!

  12. Jay Wood says:

    Happy birthday, Keith! I turned 110011 today.

  13. CheezeBoy says:

    Congrats! And may you have many more!!

  14. spider says:

    Happy birthday!
    I am 10011

  15. Anthony says:

    haha, so, in other words bit-101 is 101101

    interesting although irrelevant point to note is that not only does it mean 45 in binary, but you have 4 ones in an array that end at position 5.

    Happy 45th Birthday!

    45 and still alive. phew!

    You are 10 years younger than my mom whom is 1101 years older than I am.

  16. Robert Kabwe says:

    Here’s a link to a binary/decimal converter for people like me:
    Happy belated birthday:)

  17. jadd says:

    Happy Birthday Keith! (some days later but….)
    you are one of greatest.

  18. Anthony says:

    Society uses base 10 for most every day things, where each position of a number is a value from 0 to 9(10 digits in total) x 10 to the exponent of its position – 1 right to left,

    the number 3456 is equal to:
    3 x (10 to the exponent 3)
    4 x (10 to the exponent 2)
    5 x (10 to the exponent 1)
    6 x (10 to the exponent 0)

    therefore in base 2, each position of a number is a value from 0 to 1(2 digits in total) x 2 to the exponent of its position – 1 right to left

    or …etc,256,64,32,16,8,4,2,1



    means 32 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 45

    because it is:
    1 x (2 to the exponent 5) = 32
    0 x (2 to the exponent 4) = 0
    1 x (2 to the exponent 3) = 8
    1 x (2 to the exponent 2) = 4
    0 x (2 to the exponent 1) = 0
    1 x (2 to the exponent 0) = 1

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