Flash Player 10 3D: Beware of Nested 3D Transforms

Working on my Flash on the Beach presentation. Slightly sidetracked into fixing up some code in a game toolbox I’m creating. Doing 3D transitions.

The thing is, that applying any 3D transform turns an object into a 3D object, where cacheAsBitmap is always on. It has a serious effect on the performance of the game. A very noticeable effect. So no problem, I think. When the transform is done, I simply assign a new Matrix to the container’s transform.matrix. A display object can have either a transform.matrix or a transform.matrix3D. Assigning either one nulls out the other one. Done and verified that the matrix3D is gone. But performance still sucks. Turns out that a container within the container also suddenly has a matrix3D. But I never did that!

A quick test confirms that assigning a 3D property to a container does NOT effect the matrix/matrix3D of any of its children. Nor does assigning a 3D property to a child effect the matrix of the parent container. So what’s going on? After much testing and attempts at reproducing the bug, I found it.

Basically, if you have a series of three or more nested objects, and apply 3D transformations to TWO of them, any clips nested between those two will become 3D objects (i.e. have a matrix3D property).

Example. Sprite A contains Sprite B, which contains Sprite C. Do a 3D transform on any one of them, and none of the others are effected. But transform A and C, and suddenly Sprite B now has a matrix3D. It turns out that in my game, some things way down at the bottom of the display list had some 3D properties set. So when I did a 3D transition on the top container, every single display object on down the line between the two became a 3D object. That’s what was killing my performance.

Worse yet, removing the outer transforms does not reset the inner ones. Basically, I’d have to cache the transform.matrix of every object on the list and when the 3D transition was done, walk the tree and reset every object’s matrix. So, for now anyway, 3D transitions are out.

As part of my trying to figure out this problem, I created this little tester:

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”http://www.bit-101.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/3dmess.swf” width=”400″ height=”200″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

Get Adobe Flash player


I happened to be talking to Grant Skinner as I was going through this and mentioned it to him. He mentioned that there are other graphical glitches he ran into while nesting 3D transforms. Shortly thereafter, I ran into these as well – things disappearing, half disappearing, random glitchy pixels. However, I don’t see them on this web version. I guess the Flash Player version in my browser has fixed a lot of those issues. I was seeing the issues in the CS4 internal Flash Player. If you have an older player version, you might see some issues.

Nevertheless, the original problem I had is pretty evident. Transform the inner and the outer clips and you’ll see that the middle clip becomes 3D. Clear the inner and outer and the middle stays 3D. I’m not sure I’d call this a bug, per se. I can see why it would be that way, but it’s far from optimal. In an ideal world, if the matrix3D were an identity matrix, the object would know that and not be 3D.

Oh, and here’s the code in case you are interested what’s going on. It’s not too pretty but it was never meant to be more than a test to figure out what’s going on.

[as3]import com.bit101.components.*;

new PushButton(this, 10, 10, “Rotate inner”, onInner);
new PushButton(this, 10, 35, “Rotate middle”, onMiddle);
new PushButton(this, 10, 60, “Rotate outer”, onOuter);

new PushButton(this, 10, 95, “Clear inner”, onClearInner);
new PushButton(this, 10, 120, “Clear middle”, onClearMid);
new PushButton(this, 10, 145, “Clear outer”, onClearOuter);

var innerLight:IndicatorLight = new IndicatorLight(this, 300, 10, 0xff0000, “Inner is 3d”);
var middleLight:IndicatorLight = new IndicatorLight(this, 300, 35, 0xff0000, “Middle is 3d”);
var outerLight:IndicatorLight = new IndicatorLight(this, 300, 60, 0xff0000, “Outer is 3d”);

var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
s.graphics.drawRect(-50, -50, 100, 100);
s.x = 200;
s.y = 100;

var t:Sprite = new Sprite();
t.graphics.drawRect(-25, -25, 50, 50);

var u:Sprite = new Sprite();
u.graphics.drawRect(-10, -10, 20, 20);


function onInner(event:Event):void
u.rotationZ = 45;

function onMiddle(event:Event):void
t.rotationY = 45;

function onOuter(event:Event):void
s.rotationX = 45;

function onClearInner(event:Event):void
u.transform.matrix = new Matrix();

function onClearOuter(event:Event):void
s.transform.matrix = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 200, 100);

function onClearMid(event:Event):void
t.transform.matrix = new Matrix();

function output():void
innerLight.isLit = u.transform.matrix3D != null;
middleLight.isLit = t.transform.matrix3D != null;
outerLight.isLit = s.transform.matrix3D != null;

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7 Responses to Flash Player 10 3D: Beware of Nested 3D Transforms

  1. PS says:

    We can probably all agree that the inbuilt z transform and axis rotations aren’t suitable for anything but the simplest 3D effects for which it seems they were designed. Will you be showing the alternative methods, i.e. mathematical Matrix3d transforms, drawTriangles, etc? It would be great to see the “old Fashioned Way” with the new methods (http://www.bit-101.com/blog/?p=1674) as most of us never get to work with the new drawing API classes, automatically reaching for PaperVision/Away3d for anything more complex than an image gallery, for which Flashes inbuilt functions are pretty much spot on.

  2. Oliver says:

    you’re creating a game toolbox ? this is interesting! when there’s a man who can done it right then you Mr.Physics:-)

    Flash needs a good game toolkit and i need it,too.

  3. 3D in Flash Player 10 is still so buggy!

    In my case, I have a stack of planes that work as buttons.
    If I resize my stage, I want them centered, so I code accordingly.

    Obviously, they get distorted, because of the vanishing point, so I write the following:

    _stack.transform.perspectiveProjection.projectionCenter = new Point(stage.stageWidth/2, stage.stageHeight/2);

    Which fixes the distortion, but makes the planes lose their button qualities…

    Curse you Flash Dev team 🙂

  4. Oh! It seems that applying the new Projection Center to the container of the 3D transformed clip, instead of applying it straight to the 3D clip, makes the buttons work.

    🙂 sweet

  5. alex says:

    how do I start. and thats a mean question. Is it possible to look at an .fla with more complex surfaces? I especially want to look at one where I can use it to begin to build an object. I am reading your ActionScript Animation (foed). I want to animate 3 letters of the alphabet coming out of the y-plane. I am gathering together all the resources but just need that starting .fla as a kickoff.
    for everyone, this has noting to do with animating text. Its about animating complex 3D objects. Sorry to borrow your forum Keith but if anyone feels like kicking some tips to me me, I am Looks.Howard@bigpond.com

    Melbourne, Australia

  6. rich jacobs says:

    i avoid anything adobe

  7. Another interesting bug that I have noticed is that once you do 3D transform on an display object its becomes really difficult to use drag and drop functionality with in the clip. You have to make the 3D matrix null at the end of each 3D tween.

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