MinimalComp of the week: FPSMeter

Simple one but useful.

[as3]new FPSMeter(this, 10, 10);[/as3]

gives you a numeric readout of the current calculated frames per second.

Demo time:

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”” width=”400″ height=”400″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

Get Adobe Flash player


Here’s the code for that demo:

import com.bit101.components.*;

import flash.display.Sprite;

[SWF(backgroundColor=0xeeeeee, width=400, height=400)]
public class Playground extends Sprite
private var running:Boolean;

public function Playground()
new FPSMeter(this, 10, 10);
new PushButton(this, 10, 30, “Draw”, onClick);
new PushButton(this, 10, 55, “Clear”, onClear);

protected function onClick(event:Event):void
running = !running;
{ = “Stop”;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
{ = “Draw”;
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);

protected function onClear(event:Event):void
graphics.lineStyle(0, 0, .1);

protected function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
graphics.lineStyle(0, 0, 0.1);
graphics.lineTo(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400);

Just draws random lines, which will eventually start to bog down the CPU and affect the frame rate. Clearing or stopping the drawing will bring it back up to 24.

A few notables:

1. It has a stop() and start() method to … well, to start and stop it.
2. When the component is removed from the stage, it will automatically stop, to avoid wasting enterFrame calls. Also, if you do not give it a parent in the constructor, it will not auto start. i.e. if you create the FPSMeter with a parent of null, and add it to the display list later, you will have to call start() on it after you add it.
3. Optional 4th parameter is prefix. This defaults to “FPS:” but you could set it to an empty string to just display the numbers, or whatever else you want, like: “Look how fast I’m going: “.
4. There is also a read-only fps property in case you want to graph it or do something if it goes below a certain level or something.
5. The algorithm is to count the number of frames and elapsed time. When a second has passed, the number of frames counted is the FPS (adjusted according to the elapsed time vs. one second). This means that the display only updates approximately once per second. This causes a bit of a visual lag in some cases, most notable when the FPS changes a lot, e.g. when you stop drawing in the above demo. But this is more efficient than methods that check the elapsed time every frame and calculate the FPS based on that. Those methods also tend to look very “jittery” as the calculated FPS can change slightly many times per second. Of course you can smooth that out by averaging, but that only uses up more CPU.

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6 Responses to MinimalComp of the week: FPSMeter

  1. Nik says:

    Nice! I think you should add a memory usage graph to make it awesome

  2. jim says:

    why the fps will reach 5fps
    it just draw and no much sprite!

  3. M Corrin says:

    Have you tried Mr Doob’s lightweight AS3 stats tool?

  4. Butter says:

    hi. i’m a fan of the project.
    i would like to request a drop-down menu be added to minimalcomps.
    it’s one of the most common ui components, and noticeably missing from your great collection
    the wheel is interesting if not bizarre, but a standard drop-down would be more usable.
    keep up the good work.

  5. paul b says:

    Hi Keith,

    Thanks for these components, they are really sweet to work with 🙂

    erm, I’ve made a few extra ones for my own use but I think they might be useful for others, how can I get them to you?

    they are :
    ScrollBar, HScrollBar, VScrollBar
    List, ListItem


    Paul B.

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