MinimalComps now in wonderfl

I just noticed that my Minimal Components have been added to wonderfl.

If you’re not familiar with wonderfl, it’s a site that allows you to type ActionScript into the page and compiles and runs it right there. You can then save and share your own creations and modify the creations of others. It contains a bunch of libraries for different effects and functionalities, and now contains my components.

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8 Responses to MinimalComps now in wonderfl

  1. Rashid says:

    Hi Keith,

    Thank you again for your work !
    I’ve done a new version of your ColorChooser component (you can find a demo and the source there

    It’s very simple but it might be intressting.
    The idea is that the ColorChooser becomes also a color picker with 3
    different modes (there’s no need for extra assets or classes):

    1) NORMAL : your orignal version

    new ColorChooser(this, 10, 30, 0xff0000,null);

    2) GRADIENT : displays a multicolor GradientFill when you click on the
    “swatch” and let you choose a color by clicking on it.

    new ColorChooser(this, 130, 30, 0xff0000, null, ColorChooser.GRADIENT);

    3) CUSTOM : displays a displayObject when you click on the “swatch”
    and let you choose a color by clicking on it.

    new ColorChooser(this, 260, 30, 0xff0000, null, ColorChooser.CUSTOM,

    Hope that it can be usefull.


    • kp says:

      Rashid, that’s pretty cool. I like the gradient, but it might be better if the values changed on the vertical axis, maybe going to black. Then you could choose different shades.

  2. Rashid says:

    ok, now we have 5 modes 🙂

    (demo and source still at

    – NORMAL (your original version)
    – GREYSCALE (from black to white)
    – GRADIENT (the same color gradient with values changing on the vertical axis going from white to black
    – MAXIMAL : I know it’s called MinimalComp 🙂
    – CUSTOM : the same old idea whitch can make it easy for special color ranges

    Sorry for my english !


  3. Keith Peters says:

    That’s pretty awesome. Can I integrate it into the components? I’ll give you credit.

  4. Rashid says:

    Of course you can 🙂
    But if there is no urgency, I’ll take some time tonight (it’s 6pm in France) to clean and optimize the code (it’s not a big mess but I’m sure I can make it better).

  5. Rashid says:

    It starts to be funny !

    You can check the last clean version at the same adresse :

    Now the question “what is the limit of Minimal” ?
    1) easy to use
    2) easy to extend
    3) light weight (less than 5ko ? 10? …)

    As you can see on the demo, I added some new setters like “colorsAlign”, “colorsWidth”, “colorsHeight”, “colorsGradient” which make it easy to come up with very specific colorPickers. But if you think that it’s too much for a simple component I’ll remove them.

    To be continued … ^^

  6. jk says:

    I’m an active user of wonderfl and I like to know we can find minimalcomps there.

  7. shaun says:

    Hello Keith,

    I made some changes to Minimal Comps to enable MXML layout (pure AS3), added support for binding (to most primary value properties), and fixed some bugs with the ColorChooser. All edits were made after September 5 2009, and thus after the last changes in your SVN repo (at the time of this writing):

    You can see a demo (with source) here:

    The demo shows MXML layout, binding, and the fixed ColorChooser – clocking in at around 30kB! The same thing with Flex would probably weigh about.. ###kB (at least).

    I bring this up because I’d dig to see MXML markup for your Minimal Components on Wonderfl. It’d be rad.

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