AdvancED ActionScript 3.0 Animation is complete (really)

Last night I approved the cover copy proof and sent that back. That’s pretty much the end. It’s off to the printer in a few days and should appear on the shelves some number of weeks later. Not sure the exact date. Amazon says December 29, but they’ve been known to flip flop.

Anyway, doesn’t look like it will be under your tree this Xmas, sorry. πŸ™ But you can spend your New Year’s Eve reading it!

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21 Responses to AdvancED ActionScript 3.0 Animation is complete (really)

  1. Steven says:

    Congrats. The first one you wrote is one of the better Flash books I’ve read. Just wish I had the opportunity to finish it. Maybe I’ll pick up the new one instead πŸ™‚

  2. Will says:


    Keith, are you able to (allowed to) tell us a bit more about what to expect in the book’s chapters? Amazon’s description seems a little vague.

    I’ve had the book in my shopping cart for a while now and can’t wait to get it!

  3. Adam says:

    Congrats Keith! I loved ‘Making Things Move’, it’s easily one of the best AS3 books out there. Thanks for all the great work!

  4. Andrew says:

    Congrats Keith! I’m looking forward to reading it!

  5. szataniol says:

    Can’t wait to read it. Congratulations! πŸ™‚

  6. Dominic says:

    Amazing, I can’t wait for this book. It might come in really handy since my midterm school project this year is too program a raytracer and / or a physics engine.
    keep up the good work!

  7. Ivo says:

    Will this book be targeted to Flash developers? The Amazon page blurb seems to indicate it.

    I am really enjoying ‘Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Animation’. I dont own CS3/4 and use mxmlc so the book is excellent in that regard. If this book is in similar fashion then I will definitely be ordering it.

  8. kp says:

    Ivo, yeah, it’s all class based, so you can use it with CS3 (mostly), CS4, and mxmlc. Very much along the same lines as the earlier book, but starts out assuming you know all the basics. Also, it is not as linear. You could really read each chapter on its own rather than having to go from start to end.

  9. Dada says:

    Congratulation!I hope it’s could be translate to Chinese as quickly as possible.:)

  10. sascha/hdrs says:

    Excellent! I’m looking forward to it! It seems you can now shake new books out of your arm sleeve πŸ˜‰

  11. Stu says:

    Congrats Keith! Can’t wait to read it – I’ve found your books incredibly helpful over the last couple of years.

  12. Anton Granik says:

    Awesome stuff!!! I’ve been waiting for your book 4 months since I had finished reading the first one. Which was very great!!!

  13. David Jumeau says:

    YAAAAAAAY! I had already pre-ordered it for two months now!

  14. Like many others here, can’t wait for the release! πŸ™‚

  15. Tomer says:

    Is it worthwhile reading “Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Animation” before reading this book or do you think you can pick up at the second book without reading the first?

  16. Its gonna be on my christmas wish list for sure. Please mom, read this post!
    Ok im a bit too old to wait for my mom … i’ll buy it myself the day it comes out!

  17. polyGeek says:

    With all the content available from various blogs there’s very few books that are worth having. All of your other books have been the only one’s I’ve actually read. You keep publishing and I’ll keep buying. πŸ™‚

  18. Alan says:

    I just pre-ordered the book. I look forward to it.

  19. pradeep says:

    YAYYY…My waiting is over

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