I'm at FlashForward

Arrived in San Francisco around 1pm. Just before we landed I was looking over some conference logistics stuff I’d printed out, and the guy sitting beside me asked if I was going to FlashForward. Turns out he was too. So we shared a cab back to the Fairmont. Got checked in and took another cab over to the Adobe where I did a video interview about Flash 10. I guess it will be on a page on Adobe.com at some point in the future. While I was there, I bumped into Mark Anders and spoke to him for a bit. He helped me track down Ted Patrick. Had a nice visit with Ted, bumped into Branden Hall on the way out, then went back to the Fairmont.

Went over to the Masonic Center to check out the venue. Bumped into my old friend Jared Ficklin on the way over there. Too early for much to be happening there yet, but saw the venue and said hi to Beau. Now just getting set to go to the speaker dinner.

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