Profiled in Create Digital Motion

I’ve been subscribing to CDM for several weeks now. Lots of awesome visual stuff to be inspired by there. Got a nice surprise today when they ran an article at least partially on me.

Stuff like this just makes my head get all swollen. 🙂

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3 Responses to Profiled in Create Digital Motion

  1. Peter Kirn says:

    Glad you liked it! 🙂

    We could all send each other messages through the blogosphere, perhaps. (e.g., “Don’t let your head get swollen, get back to work!”) Well, I perhaps could use that, anyway. Maybe I’ll write a Twitter script to nag me. 😉

  2. Aubby says:


    Congrats! Your experiments are always way cool! Maybe some time I will have enough time and brain power to look and try some that stuff out myself! Haha.

  3. Willem Van den BRoeck says:

    All the random motion stuff, like on OpenProcessing or, is simply superb.

    I hope we get to program these funky OS X backgrounds, moving and changing shape and color, different blend modes, … ahh madness!

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