More on Flash 10 Security

Lee Brimelow has just posted some more information in regards to the issues WordPress, Flickr, SWFUpload have with the Flash 10 Beta. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the behavior is going to change, but I do understand a bit more on why this was put in place.

Read Lee’s response here.

Another encouraging thing is that Lee mentions Adobe will be reaching out to Flickr, WordPress, et al, to help them come up with solutions. If you know any other sites / companies, applications that are running into this problem, let Lee know so that Adobe can work with them as well.

One thing I love about Adobe is that they DO listen. You just have to make some noise. 🙂

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2 Responses to More on Flash 10 Security

  1. Seb says:

    I think Lee’s explanation and comments validate this move for tighter security. As you say Keith, people like picking at security issues and see them as the defining reason not to use a certain technology. So in my opinion, this evolution in security for Flash Player can only be a good thing. And we all know there are always ways around these issues while maintaining security, like the couple of ways Lee suggested.

  2. Jamie Lin says:

    So much for reaching out to WordPress! WP had no clue how bad this issue was until Flash 10’s official release last Wed. The ticket was marked “lowest priority” before then. And they still don’t have a solution up till today!

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