The Process

Man, I hate to keep copying links from Today’s BIG Thing, but they keep posting really great stuff.

Today’s will be ALL too familiar for most of you reading this blog. 🙂

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8 Responses to The Process

  1. Colby says:

    The only thing missing is the client going back to the original design in the end.

  2. sean moore says:

    Classic. Love the starburst…

  3. Karl says:

    Buhahaha too funny……but of course the client never actually does that

  4. BoJaN says:

    haha, that’s a great vid!

  5. Nikki G says:

    I think it must be the designers fault – if only they had interpreted the client’s feedback properly – this travesty would have never taken place. I suggest they dont pay the account. I suggest they actually sue the agency for the devastation and loss of life their design caused. HA!

  6. In which circumstances would it be deemed appropriate to actually KILL the client? Or maybe just hit them very hard? Just wondering.

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